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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Nichole falsely states that Charlie, a business owner, cheats his customers. One week after these statements are made, Charlie suddenly dies of an unexpected heart attack. Charlie's family sues Nichole for slander. Nichole _____.
A)has no defense under the typical survival statute
B)has no defense under modern tort reform legislation
C)has a defense under the typical survival statute
D)has a defense if Charlie never heard the statement
The U.S. Supreme Court has mentioned that _____ times the compensatory damages would be an appropriate amount of punitive damages.
At the conclusion of a tort trial the jury finds the plaintiff 10% responsible for the injuries she suffered and the defendant 90% responsible for the injury. The jury determines the actual damages to total $50,000. How much will the plaintiff recover under contributory negligence?
Adam attends a professional golf tournament as a spectator on a cloudless day and is struck by lightning, resulting in a serious injury. Adam sues the organizers of the tournament. For Adams suit to succeed, he must prove that the tournament's organizers _____.
A)should have consulted the weather bureau
B)should have reasonably foreseen the risk of injury
C)should have known of the dangers of lightning
D)attracted him to the location by organizing the tournament
On newer model mobile phones, the E-911 locator is activated _____.
A)only when a 911 call is made
B)only when a special code is entered
C)only when the phone owner authorizes the activation in his/her contract
D)all the time
A landowner refuses to obey a court order to move his property fence that blocks access by an electric company to its easement. The landowner has _____.
A)not committed any offense unless found guilty by a jury
B)committed contempt of court
C)committed a tort
D)committed a breach of contract
The purpose of an appeal bond is to secure _____.
A)the payment of money to the plaintiff
B)the following of a court order
C)the appearance of the defendant at sentencing
D)the compensation of the judges who hear the appeal
A scientific witness with a Ph.D. degree in a tort case plans to testify that the defendant must be liable because "her nose is the nose of a violent person." This testimony _____.
A)cannot be excluded since the jury alone decides what witnesses to believe
B)cannot be excluded since the witness has an advanced education
C)can be excluded if the defendant has never acted violently in the past
D)can be excluded as junk science
Oscar discovers that the soft drink machine at his office will return his money and provide a drink can if he hits the machine on the side while making a drink selection. If the owners of the soft drink machine sues Oscar for their losses they can recover based upon the tort of _____.
A)strict liability
A customer accidentally overpays for merchandise and the store clerk keeps the excess money when she discovers the excess money at the end of her shift. The clerk has committed a(n) _____ tort.
C)strict liability
D)No tort since the store was fully paid the listed price of the merchandise.

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