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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In the granting of mutual assent, a "meeting of the minds" means that _____.
A)there were lengthy negotiations.
B)there is a complete understanding of all aspects of the agreement
C)both parties know the terms and have willingly agreed to be bound by them
D)both parties know the terms, have willingly agreed to be bound by them, and have had a face-to-face meeting
Eva intentionally and falsely states that an old ring that she is selling to Julia was made in France. Julia, a collector of French jewelry, pays $3,000 for the ring based upon these statements. Julia later learns that the ring was made in Poland and is worth $6,000. May Julia successfully sue Eva for fraud?
A)No, because Julia has not suffered a loss.
B)Yes, because where the ring was made was a material fact to Julia.
C)No, because Julia was free to inspect the ring before purchasing it.
D)Yes, because Eva intentionally and falsely misstated a material fact.
Ichi covers the rust damage to a car he is selling to Henry with a new paint job. Henry does not ask about rust damage. Has Ichi committed fraud?
A)No, because Henry didn't ask about rust.
B)Yes, because Henry cannot be expected to discover the rust.
C)No, because rusting is a natural process that Henry should understand.
D)Yes, because Ichi made the car look nicer than it really was.
In a case involving innocent misrepresentation, the court will allow _____.
B)rescission and damages
D)rescission, damages, and an injunction
Beth contracts to sell Minda merchandise stored in a warehouse. Unknown to either person, the warehouse burned the night before the contract was made, totally destroying the merchandise. In this situation, Minda _____.
A)is bound to the contract
B)may successfully assert fraud
C)may successfully assert fraud and cancel the contract
D)may cancel the contract
Duress is characterized by _____ while undue influence is characterized by _____. What word goes in each blank in order?
A)threats, pressure
B)pressure, threats
C)emotional appeals, mistaken beliefs
D)confusion, indecision
James operates the only gasoline station along a one hundred mile stretch of desert road and charges four times the normal price for gasoline. A motorist purchasing gasoline from James _____.
A)experiences wrongful economic duress
B)experiences wrongful emotional duress
C)experiences wrongful undue influence
D)experiences no duress or undue influence
Bethany is an exceptionally persuasive sales representative. After signing a contract, customers frequently feel that they were swept along without a meanful way to say no. Bethany has engaged in _____.
A)undue influence
C)both undue influence and duress
D)neither undue influence or duress
A fiduciary relationship involves _____.
C)trust and dependence
D)trust, dependence, and domination
Aza and Ersaid both believe that a particular horse descended from a Kentucky Derby winner when in fact the horse descended from a horse that came in last in the Kentucky Derby. This is most clearly an example of _____.
A)mistake as to existence
B)mistake as to value
C)mistake as to description
D)mistake of law

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