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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Jay, age 16, purchases a new sports car with his inheritance from his grandfather. Nine months later he wrecks the car, which is a total loss. What are Jay's disaffirmance rights in most states?
A)He may disaffirm.
B)He may disaffirm but must pay nine months rental value.
C)He may disaffirm but must pay the salvage value of the car.
D)He may not disaffirm.
LaVall, age 18, lives in a state in which the age of adulthood is nineteen. May she legally vote in a U.S. Presidential election?
A)No, since adulthood in her state is nineteen.
B)Yes, since she is eighteen.
C)No, since it would be an unreasonable burden to separate federal and state elections.
D)Yes, since she pays federal income taxes on her wages.
A minor may become emancipated by _____.
A)giving up all parental support
B)a legally sanctioned court procedure
C)giving up all parental support or by a legally sanctioned court procedure
D)only becoming married or joining the armed forces
What constitutes as necessary _____.
A)is the same for all minors
B)varies according to local standards
C)varies according to the age of the minor
D)varies according to the minor's social status
Leo, age 16, has his wisdom teeth removed by Jane, a local dentist. Jane charges Leo $1,200 while most dentists would have charged $900. Leo must pay _____.
D)nothing if he disaffirms the contract
Margarita does not like the dinner her parents have prepared and leaves the house to purchase a $50 steak dinner at a local restaurant. How much must Margarita's parents pay the restaurant if Margarita refuses to pay anything?
B)a reasonable price
C)an amount to be determined in arbitration
Hector, age 16, decides to get free use of a computer by purchasing it and later disaffirming the contract. Hector is using minority as _____.
A)a sword
B)a shield
C)both a sword and a shield
D)neither a sword or a shield
A minor may disaffirm a contract _____.
A)only while a minor
B)only after becoming and adult
C)both while a minor and after becoming an adult
D)only with the permission of a court
Which of the following circumstances always produces a lack of contractual capacity?
A)mental retardation
B)brain damage
D)appointment of a guardian
Vonnie appeared normal but in fact is mentally incompetent. If she decides to disaffirm a contract, Vonnie _____.
A)has no obligation beyond disaffirming
B)must return all consideration received
C)must pay a reasonable price for any goods or services she received
D)must petition a court for permission to disaffirm

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