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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Eugene ratifies a contract made by Angela with Zena that requires that Eugene deliver fifty cases of doodads in exchange for $5,000. Eugene accepts the $5,000 but refuses to deliver the goods, stating that Zena must request delivery from Angela. Is this correct?
A)No, ratification accepts both the benefits and the obligations of a contract.
B)Yes, Angela lacked authority when she entered into the contract and is liable.
C)No, Eugene received in essence a gift of the $5000.
D)Yes, ratification does not release the agent.
Cade agrees to "watch" Cassie's house while she backpacks in the Andes. One day a severe hailstorm breaks a number of windows in Cassie's house and Cade contracts with Clear Glass Co. to replace the windows and bill Cassie. Is Cassie required to pay Clear or is Cade?
A)Cade, since he entered into the contract without authority.
B)Cassie, since there was an agency by necessity.
C)Cade, since there were alternatives other than replacing the windows.
D)Cassie since she owns the house.
Trudy is employed by Pike to sell Pike's house. The contract between Trudy and Pike must be written under what legal rule?
A)Statute of Frauds
B)Del Credere agency
C)Equal Dignities
D)Equal authority
Charles, Monica and Daisy are partners. Monica employs George to negotiate a purchase of a building for the contract. What is the legal status of this situation?
A)Charles and Daisy are not bound to the contract.
B)Monica is bound to the contract only if Charles and Daisy are also bound.
C)George is the only person bound to the contract.
D)Charles, Monica and Daisy are bound to the contract.
David and Juanita enter into a contract. Juanita does not know that David represents Henry, but subsequently learns of this agency. What person or persons may Juanita hold to the contract?
A)David only
B)Henry only
C)both David and Henry
D)either David or Henry but not both
Paris is authorized by Mechanical Enterprises Co. to negotiate the purchase of a new dragline by Mechanical Enterprises. Paris is a(an) _____.
A)general agent
B)special agent
C)del credere agent
Jiro employs Marshall to sell his merchandise to local stores. Marshall kills Hasan, an employee of a competitor of Jiro, to prevent Hasan from making sales to stores that Marshall is visiting. Is Jiro criminally liable for the killing of Hasan?
A)No, since Marshall acts on his own.
B)Yes, since this should be foreseeable.
C)No, since he did not authorize the crime.
D)Yes, since the crime furthered Jiro's business.
How does the law distinguish between intentional torts that cause physical harm committed by an employee and those that do not result in such harm?
A)The master is always liable for a physical tort.
B)The master is never liable for a nonphysical tort.
C)The master is rarely liable for a physical tort.
D)The master is only liable for certain types of nonphysical torts.
The "scope of employment" involves _____.
A)a limited group of activities that the principal is engaged in.
B)a range of activities for which the servant is engaged.
C)a technical legal definition.
D)a list of duties specified in an employment contract.
An agency relationship is:
B)always performed by an independent contractor.
D)an appointment.

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