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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Boss Smith tells employee Jones at an employee meeting, to "beg not to be fired." Jones does but Smith fires him anyway. Does Jones have legal recourse against Smith?
A)Not if this happens in an employment-at-will state.
B)Yes, for intentional infliction of emotional distress.
C)No, since Jones could have simply walked away.
D)Yes, for fraud since he was fired anyway.
To preserve employment-at-will, a handbook disclaimer must _____.
A)be written in clear language, be conspicuously placed, and be acknowledged by the employees
B)be written in clear language, be conspicuously placed, and be approved by an attorney for the employee
C)be written in clear language and be conspicuously placed
D)be managed in a reasonable manner
Sam, a valuable skilled employee of Alpha Industries, agrees to continue working for Alpha when Alpha agrees to pay the college tuition expenses of his children. Alpha subsequently refuses to honor this promise. What legal recourse does Sam have?
A)None, since he was paid for his work.
B)Sam may sue for a violation of the FLSA.
C)Sam may sue based upon an implied contract.
D)Sam may sue based upon promissory estoppel.
As Lila's commission sales earnings rise, Acme Co. changes the compensation scale percentages to avoid paying Lila's greater income. Acme Co. _____.
A)has violated an implied contract
B)has done nothing unlawful
C)has violated ERISA
D)has acted reasonably
What party must document the employment eligibility of new workers?
A)The Department of Labor
C)The Department of Immigration and Naturalization.
D)The employer.
In order to receive unemployment insurance benefits, a claimant must _____.
A)accept any available full time employment
B)be ready to look for work when requested
C)be ready, willing, and able to accept suitable full time employment
D)accept major pay cuts in order to be employed
Jane knows when her baby will likely be born and must give her employer _____ notice of her intentions to take FMLA leave.
A)nine months
B)six months
C)three months
D)thirty days
Men earn more than women at Acme Enterprises, even when doing comparable work. This is _____.
A)never allowable
B)allowable if the women are agreeable
C)allowable if based upon differences in training
D)allowable if the men have more dependents
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 as originally written, outlaws employment discrimination based upon all of the following reasons except:
Acme Co. does not want to install an elevator in their building to provide access to a second floor storage loft since only one of their seventy-five employees might need elevator access. Acme's best defense to a charge of discrimination would be _____.
A)infrequency of use
B)undue hardship
C)unreasonable accommodation
D)undue expense

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