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Multiple Choice Quiz
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How should a science court deal with appeals?
A)No appeals are needed.
B)An appeal stage should be provided.
C)Appeals should go to a judicial court.
D)Appeals must be informal.
The rule created by negotiated rule making is expected to reflect _____
A)complete agreement.
B)moderate agreement.
C)a consensus.
D)the best possible rule.
During settlement week cases are nominated by _____
A)judges only.
B)attorneys only.
C)judges and attorneys.
D)judges, attorneys, and mediators.
If Joe, and arbitrator, fails to provide each party a written decision written within five days of ending the procedure as its ADR contract clause requires, a court _____
A)may revoke the ruling Joe makes.
B)will not intervene.
C)may conduct a special hearing on this issue.
D)will ask Joe to provide a written explanation.
Jane and Adam want to include an ADR clause in their prenuptial contract. Is this allowable?
A)Not unless specifically allowed by state.
B)Not unless a judge approves in advance.
C)Not until the parties have ten days to change their minds.
D)Yes, unless specifically prohibited by statute.
Jurors who serve on juries at private civil trials are generally selected from _____
A)a general jury pool.
B)law students or paralegal students.
C)those who recently served on an official jury.
D)the friends of the litigants.
In a summary jury trial a conference is held after the trial to _____
A)discuss an immediate settlement.
B)discuss the outcome.
C)discuss what the jury found.
D)make trial arrangements.
Early neutral evaluation does not involve _____
A)an independent evaluator.
B)an impartial assessment of the legal rights of the parties.
C)a pro forma agreement.
D)a determination of the amount of the award that should be rendered.
An arbitration hearing can be planned and executed _____
A)only by the arbitrator.
B)by the parties themselves.
C)by the court only.
D)by the witnesses.
An effective mediator _____
A)can cut to the center of a dispute.
B)has advocacy skills.
C)is an effective judge.
D)is a therapist.

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