1 |  |  What event prompted President Wilson to finally ask for a declaration of war on April 2, 1917? |
|  | A) | the sinking of the Lusitania |
|  | B) | Germany's return to using submarines to sink American ships in the Atlantic |
|  | C) | the frightening numbers of war-related deaths in Europe |
|  | D) | repeated calls from pro-war German Americans who called Wilson a coward |
2 |  |  Which of the following BEST describes the U.S. military at the beginning of 1917? |
|  | A) | It was relatively small, and black soldiers made up a small proportion. |
|  | B) | It was relatively large, having been increased since 1915, but there were no black soldiers. |
|  | C) | It was quite robust, comparable to any in Europe, and black soldiers made up a substantial proportion (based upon the percentage of the black population as a whole). |
|  | D) | The regular army was fairly robust but included no black soldiers, since they were only allowed to serve in the much smaller National Guard. |
3 |  |  The Selective Service Act was passed in May 1917 with no racial restrictions. How many black men signed up on the first day of registration? |
|  | A) | None; the NAACP had called for a protest, asking black men to delay their registration for one week. |
|  | B) | more than 700,000 |
|  | C) | almost 2.3 million |
|  | D) | about 135,000 |
4 |  |  Which of the following best describes the news coverage of black draftees? |
|  | A) | It was practically nonexistent in the South. |
|  | B) | It was practically nonexistent in the North. |
|  | C) | It was practically nonexistent in the West. |
|  | D) | It differed from place to place. |
5 |  |  What does Colonel Charles Young's story illustrate about the U.S. military's racial policy during World War I? |
|  | A) | Necessity made it possible not only for black men to serve in the military but also to achieve high rank. |
|  | B) | White soldiers and members of Congress firmly rejected the idea of having black officers, since there was the possibility they would outrank white soldiers. |
|  | C) | Black soldiers, especially officers, who were already in the service when the U.S. entered the war were viewed as an anomaly but a welcome one, and they were generally treated well by superior and inferior soldiers. |
|  | D) | Though few in number at the beginning of the war, black officers' wartime performance led to greater respect not only within the military but among civilian leaders as well. |
6 |  |  In 1910, W. E. B. Du Bois was the only black officer in the NAACP. How many black officers were there in 1916? |
|  | A) | Du Bois remained the only black officer until James Weldon Johnson joined the official leadership in 1917. |
|  | B) | By 1916, there was only one white officer. |
|  | C) | None; Du Bois had resigned by then, protesting the lack of blacks in leadership roles. |
|  | D) | By 1916, the numbers were about 50 percent white and 50 percent black. |
7 |  |  What was Joel Spingarn's NAACP committee's goal? |
|  | A) | an equal application of the marriage exemption for white and black men |
|  | B) | the creation of a black officer training camp |
|  | C) | the integration of officer training camps |
|  | D) | a draft deferment for black college men |
8 |  |  What role did Emmett J. Scott serve during World War I? |
|  | A) | as Booker T. Washington's secretary |
|  | B) | as special assistant for African American affairs to the secretary of war |
|  | C) | as part of the black cabinet that advised President Wilson |
|  | D) | as special envoy to France |
9 |  |  From what branch of the service were blacks barred during World War I? |
|  | A) | National Guard |
|  | B) | Navy |
|  | C) | They were limited to mostly menial service in all branches, but were not barred completely from any. |
|  | D) | Marines |
10 |  |  What restriction did the War Department place on all-black military units? |
|  | A) | Their members were not allowed to train together in a single location. |
|  | B) | Their members were not allowed off of the military bases where they trained, since there were fears of race riots in the communities in which the bases were located. |
|  | C) | Their members were required to train only in camps in the North where there was less chance of racial conflict with whites. |
|  | D) | Their members were required to train only in camps in the West where there was less chance of racial conflict with whites. |
11 |  |  In August 1917, a riot that resulted in the deaths of 17 whites, the hanging of 13 black soldiers for murder and mutiny, and the imprisonment of 41 black soldiers for life erupted in what city? |
|  | A) | Brownsville, Texas |
|  | B) | Spartanburg, South Carolina |
|  | C) | Houston, Texas |
|  | D) | Selma, Alabama |
12 |  |  What was the first contingent of African American combat troops to reach the Western Front (after they had been convinced not to seek vengeance against whites in South Carolina for an attack on one of their members)? |
|  | A) | the 372nd Infantry |
|  | B) | the 369th Infantry |
|  | C) | the 367th Infantry |
|  | D) | the 370th Infantry |
13 |  |  An American war correspondent in France noted "with what rapidity and cheerfulness they work and what a very important cog they are in the war machinery." What group was the correspondent describing? |
|  | A) | black soldiers who were building roads |
|  | B) | black soldiers who were digging trenches |
|  | C) | black soldiers who were working as stevedores |
|  | D) | black officers |
14 |  |  What was the first and longest serving of all American regiments assigned to support a foreign army, serving a total of 191 days in the trenches and earning the nickname the "Harlem Hellfighters"? |
|  | A) | the 372nd |
|  | B) | the 369th |
|  | C) | the 367th |
|  | D) | the 370th |
15 |  |  Who was the only black member of America's World War I military forces to be recommended for the Congressional Medal of Honor, only to have his recommendation "lost" and his honor not awarded until 1991? |
|  | A) | Henry Johnson |
|  | B) | Needham Roberts |
|  | C) | Noble Sissle |
|  | D) | Freddie Stowers |
16 |  |  How did black soldiers of the Ninety-Second Division, who served on the front lines, react to German propaganda that promised, if they surrendered to Germans, better treatment than they could ever expect to receive in the U.S.? |
|  | A) | None deserted. |
|  | B) | Two deserted, but they were shot upon laying down their arms. |
|  | C) | A small contingent lay down their arms, but changed their minds before actually being taken into custody by the Germans. |
|  | D) | Most of the division did desert, causing one of the most sensational uproars of the entire war. |
17 |  |  What black soldier was an officer in the Harlem Hellfighters as well as regimental bandmaster and is credited with being primarily responsible for bringing jazz to France? |
|  | A) | Noble Sissle |
|  | B) | James Reese Europe |
|  | C) | Henry Hugh Proctor |
|  | D) | J. E. Blanton |
18 |  |  What charge was leveled against African American troops in France in the American-produced document "Secret Information Concerning Black Troops"? |
|  | A) | that segregation of blacks and whites was necessary to keep black men from assaulting and raping white women |
|  | B) | that segregation of blacks and whites was necessary because African Americans were notorious thieves and should not be welcomed into French homes |
|  | C) | that segregation of blacks and whites was necessary to spare France the plague of "mixed-race children" |
|  | D) | that segregation of blacks and whites was necessary in order to keep from offending white Americans serving in France |
19 |  |  In general, what kind of first reception did black soldiers returning from World War I receive in the U.S.? |
|  | A) | joyous welcome |
|  | B) | racially charged ambivalence |
|  | C) | open hostility |
|  | D) | cold indifference |
20 |  |  What post-war decision made African American leaders skeptical of Wilson's commitment to an "absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims," something the president had openly called for? |
|  | A) | the fact that no African colony received independence after the war |
|  | B) | the fact that only the Congo, because it had received so much press attention to the Belgian king's atrocities there, received independence after the war |
|  | C) | Wilson's refusal to be involved in any discussion concerning the fate of African colonies |
|  | D) | Wilson's weak protest to the other victorious nations' plans for Africa |
21 |  |  What role did African Americans play in the federal Office of Food Administration? |
|  | A) | none |
|  | B) | President Wilson appointed a black man, Ernest Atwell, to head the organization. |
|  | C) | Black directors were appointed in eighteen states. |
|  | D) | Black women, using the existing women's club structure, organized fundraising drives in all fifty states. |
22 |  |  What reaction did minister and civil rights leader John Milton Waldon receive when he wrote to President Wilson seeking the president's commitment to a non-discriminatory military policy? |
|  | A) | Wilson invited Waldon to the White House to discuss the matter, though it was more a press opportunity than an attempt to implement policy. |
|  | B) | Wilson applauded Waldon's commitment to his cause, but advised him that the war made other issues more pressing. |
|  | C) | Wilson questioned not only Waldon's patriotism but the patriotism of black Americans in general. |
|  | D) | Wilson ignored Waldon, but advised NAACP field secretary James Weldon Johnson that such letters would not be tolerated in the future. |
23 |  |  What does the text identify as the fundamental cause of the wartime exodus of hundreds of thousands of African Americans from the South into northern cities? |
|  | A) | economic factors |
|  | B) | racism |
|  | C) | flooding along the Mississippi |
|  | D) | the end of European immigration |
24 |  |  Approximately how many African Americans participated in the Great Migration during the war years? |
|  | A) | about 100,000 |
|  | B) | about 250,000 |
|  | C) | about 500,000 |
|  | D) | about 1,000,000 |
25 |  |  How did the Department of Labor adjust to the racial changes in the American workforce? |
|  | A) | Like most other government organizations, it ignored the growing importance of black workers. |
|  | B) | It established employment agencies in the South to promote job opportunities in the North and West. |
|  | C) | It created a Division of Negro Economics devoted to improving black workers' conditions and securing white employers' full cooperation in achieving maximum production. |
|  | D) | It actively discouraged black workers from moving too far from their original homes, fearing that housing shortages and other potential problems would lead to racial conflict. |
26 |  |  Which of the following was NOT one of the organizations that merged to form the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes, soon called simply the National Urban League? |
|  | A) | the National League for the Protection of Colored Women |
|  | B) | the Committee for Improving Industrial Conditions of Negroes in New York |
|  | C) | the Committee on Urban Conditions |
|  | D) | the Commission for Interracial Cooperation |
27 |  |  Who was the first head of the Urban League as well as the first black Ph.D. from Columbia University? |
|  | A) | Eugene Kinckle Jones |
|  | B) | George Edmund Haynes |
|  | C) | Edwin R. A. Seligman |
|  | D) | Charles Knight |
28 |  |  In general, how did most established labor unions react to the black workers who entered the non-agricultural workforce during World War I? |
|  | A) | They opposed black membership. |
|  | B) | They begrudgingly welcomed black workers, viewing the move as a necessity. |
|  | C) | They ignored black workers altogether. |
|  | D) | They welcomed black workers as "brothers in a time of crisis." |
29 |  |  At least 38 black Americans were lynched in 1917. How many met the same fate in 1918? |
|  | A) | 3 |
|  | B) | 12 |
|  | C) | 38 |
|  | D) | 58 |
30 |  |  In 1919, in the first summer after the war's end, how many cities experienced racial violence? |
|  | A) | none |
|  | B) | 30 |
|  | C) | 42 |
|  | D) | more than fifty |