1 |  |  What military event made the League of Nations' limitations painfully clear to African Americans? |
|  | A) | Hitler's invasion of the Sudetenland |
|  | B) | Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia |
|  | C) | continued Belgian control of the Congo, enforced by almost continuous military action |
|  | D) | the racist system of South Africa, enforced by almost continuous military action |
2 |  |  What 1938 event did African Americans revel in as a gain for "the race" as well as for the U.S.? |
|  | A) | when Joe Louis defeated Max Schmeling for the World Heavyweight crown |
|  | B) | when Jesse Owens was triumphant at the Berlin Olympics |
|  | C) | when Roosevelt specifically mentioned the contributions of African Americans to the war effort in one of his Fireside Chats |
|  | D) | when Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar |
3 |  |  The double Vs stood for victory over |
|  | A) | segregation and poverty. |
|  | B) | racism at home and fascism abroad. |
|  | C) | Germany and Japan. |
|  | D) | racism at home and European control of Africa. |
4 |  |  Who wrote to President Roosevelt and stated that African Americans would no longer "silently endure the insults and discriminations imposed on its soldiers and sailors in the course of the last war"? |
|  | A) | Rayford W. Logan |
|  | B) | A. Philip Randolph |
|  | C) | Charles Hamilton Houston |
|  | D) | Walter White |
5 |  |  Which of the following was NOT part of the seven-point program that A. Philip Randolph and Walter White submitted to the president outlining minimum essentials for the just treatment of African Americans in the U.S. armed forces? |
|  | A) | that black officers be given command over white troops when their experience made it the logical appointment |
|  | B) | that black recruits be given the same training as whites |
|  | C) | that specialized personnel, such as physicians, dentists, and nurses, be integrated |
|  | D) | that responsible African Americans be appointed to draft boards |
6 |  |  What best describes the racial policies in the U.S. industrial plants that shifted from domestic to war-related production early in the war? |
|  | A) | unabashedly racist |
|  | B) | segregationist in theory but racist in practice |
|  | C) | surprisingly integrationist in the early days of patriotic support for the war |
|  | D) | only integrated when closely supervised by the Labor Division of the National Defense Advisory Commission |
7 |  |  What issue brought a delegation of black leaders that included Walter White, Mary McLeod Bethune, A. Philip Randolph, and Lester Granger to meet with Roosevelt in April 1941? |
|  | A) | that race should not play a role in the spending of funds in defense training programs |
|  | B) | desegregating the military and defense industries |
|  | C) | forcing industries to hire black workers or else lose government defense contracts |
|  | D) | that Roosevelt add "freedom from racial discrimination" to his "four freedoms" speech |
8 |  |  Who called for an all-black march on Washington in 1941 with the aim of emboldening African Americans with a sense of their own power and also to preclude communist infiltration and dominance? |
|  | A) | Walter White |
|  | B) | Paul Robeson |
|  | C) | A. Philip Randolph |
|  | D) | Mary McLeod Bethune |
9 |  |  The proposed march on Washington disturbed the Roosevelt administration so much that the president agreed to do what if it was called off? |
|  | A) | integrate the armed services |
|  | B) | issue an order prohibiting discrimination in employment in defense industries and government |
|  | C) | rewrite his "four freedoms" speech to include a reference to Jim Crow |
|  | D) | appoint Walter White as assistant secretary of defense |
10 |  |  Who stated, in October 1941, that the "Negro, whether he be soldier or civilian, finds it difficult to concentrate on the horrors of a Germany without civil liberties, when his immediate attention is continually diverted to proscriptions at home"? |
|  | A) | Walter White |
|  | B) | William Hastie |
|  | C) | A. Philip Randolph |
|  | D) | General George C. Marshall |
11 |  |  The prewar U.S. Army had 230,000 men. How many were African American? |
|  | A) | less than 5,000 |
|  | B) | about 10,000 |
|  | C) | about 12,000 |
|  | D) | about 18,000 |
12 |  |  At the beginning of the war, how many black officers were in the regular army? |
|  | A) | none |
|  | B) | fewer than 12 |
|  | C) | about 40 |
|  | D) | about 100 |
13 |  |  In September 1944, how many black soldiers were in the U.S. Army? |
|  | A) | about 150,000 |
|  | B) | about 300,000 |
|  | C) | about 500,000 |
|  | D) | about 700,000 |
14 |  |  Why didn't more black nurses serve in the U.S. armed forces? |
|  | A) | There were more than enough white nurses to meet the need, and military leaders preferred white nurses. |
|  | B) | The Army Nurse Corps had a quota on black nurses, and it remained low throughout the war. |
|  | C) | Because of educational segregation in institutes of higher education, there were not many trained black nurses. |
|  | D) | Black women were too valuable on the home front as defense workers to be used in the military. |
15 |  |  Where was the first training center for black pilots? |
|  | A) | Atlanta, Georgia |
|  | B) | Tuskegee, Alabama |
|  | C) | Great Lakes Training Station, Illinois |
|  | D) | Hampton, Virginia |
16 |  |  When did the Secretary of the Navy announce the Nay's plan to accept enlistment of blacks for general service and as noncommissioned officers? |
|  | A) | 1940 |
|  | B) | 1941 |
|  | C) | 1942 |
|  | D) | 1943 |
17 |  |  When did officer candidate schools begin to offer classes to black soldiers on an equal basis with whites and in an integrated environment? |
|  | A) | not until after the war |
|  | B) | in the summer of 1941 |
|  | C) | in early 1942 |
|  | D) | the middle of 1942 |
18 |  |  Approximately how many African Americans saw service overseas during World War II? |
|  | A) | 100,000 |
|  | B) | 250,000 |
|  | C) | 350,000 |
|  | D) | 500,000 |
19 |  |  What black combat unit was instrumental in sinking an enemy destroyer off the Istrian peninsula, was commanded by Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, and destroyed 111 planes in the air and another 150 on the ground? |
|  | A) | the 332nd Fighter Group |
|  | B) | the 477th Bombardment Group |
|  | C) | the Twenty-Fourth Infantry |
|  | D) | the 761st Tank Battalion |
20 |  |  Which branch of the armed forces practiced considerably less segregation and discrimination than any of the other branches? |
|  | A) | the Navy |
|  | B) | the Army |
|  | C) | the Marines |
|  | D) | the Merchant Marine |
21 |  |  Who was Private Felix Hall? |
|  | A) | the first black man admitted to the U.S. Navy |
|  | B) | the first black airman |
|  | C) | a black soldier who was lynched, while wearing his uniform, and found hanging from a tree at Fort Benning, Georgia |
|  | D) | the first black soldier to refuse to fight because he was a conscientious objector |
22 |  |  What segregationist policy did the Red Cross follow? |
|  | A) | Blacks were not allowed to donate blood. |
|  | B) | "Black blood" was kept separate from "white blood" so there would be no "cross-contamination." |
|  | C) | It would not hire black nurses. |
|  | D) | The Red Cross was groundbreaking because it had no segregationist policies. |
23 |  |  Generally, what could a black soldier expect to encounter while in the service during World War II? |
|  | A) | large and small acts of racism in practically all aspects of daily life, but at least the possibility of recognition for individual achievement |
|  | B) | a respite from racism while in uniform |
|  | C) | racism from civilians and civilian organizations, but acceptance within the military structure itself |
|  | D) | a generally racist atmosphere and no significant recognition for their individual service |
24 |  |  What did Executive Order 8802 do? |
|  | A) | desegregated the U.S. military |
|  | B) | created the Fair Employment Practices Committee |
|  | C) | required the training of black pilots |
|  | D) | established a commission to investigate race-based crimes committed against blacks in the military |
25 |  |  When did the Fair Employment Practices Committee become a permanent organization? |
|  | A) | 1943 |
|  | B) | 1944 |
|  | C) | 1945 |
|  | D) | never |
26 |  |  Black Americans seemed to consider the administration of what agency to be the most satisfactory? |
|  | A) | the OPA |
|  | B) | the OCD |
|  | C) | the FEPC |
|  | D) | the OWI |
27 |  |  How did the black migration of the 1940s compare to other black migrations in the U.S.? |
|  | A) | It was smaller than others, but brought unprecedented numbers of blacks to the West. |
|  | B) | It was about the same as the World War I-era migration. |
|  | C) | It was larger than any before it. |
|  | D) | It was smaller than others but oddly enough brought large numbers of blacks back to the South. |
28 |  |  In June of 1943, the most serious race riot of the war years broke out in what city? |
|  | A) | Detroit |
|  | B) | Chicago |
|  | C) | New York |
|  | D) | Atlanta |
29 |  |  What was the purpose of the pamphlet Negroes and the War? |
|  | A) | to intimidate the Germans and Japanese |
|  | B) | to raise black morale |
|  | C) | to show white communities the contributions of blacks in the military |
|  | D) | to convince Roosevelt of black soldiers' contributions |
30 |  |  Who wrote A Rising Wind, an account of visits to the war fronts which contained revelations of racial injustice that caused even more determined efforts to fight for a double victory? |
|  | A) | Ann Tanneyhill |
|  | B) | Walter White |
|  | C) | A. Philip Randolph |
|  | D) | William Hastie |