1 |  |  Who said "Unjust social laws and patterns do not change because supreme courts deliver just opinion"? |
|  | A) | Bayard Rustin |
|  | B) | Charles Hamilton Houston |
|  | C) | W. E. B. Du Bois |
|  | D) | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
2 |  |  What civil rights organization sent an integrated group of people on a "journey of reconciliation" through four southern states in 1947? |
|  | A) | NAACP |
|  | B) | CORE |
|  | C) | SCLC |
|  | D) | SNCC |
3 |  |  What was the first successful example of mass nonviolent resistance in the U.S.? |
|  | A) | the Albany movement |
|  | B) | the Montgomery bus boycott |
|  | C) | the journey of reconciliation |
|  | D) | the lunch counter sit-in in Nashville |
4 |  |  What best describes the Montgomery bus boycott? |
|  | A) | It was highly planned and carefully strategized. |
|  | B) | It was spontaneous and, for a brief period, leaderless. |
|  | C) | It was the result of a period of intense racial violence in the city. |
|  | D) | It did not rely upon the traditional participation of the black church. |
5 |  |  Who were Rosa Parks, Aurelia S. Browder, and Claudette Colvin? |
|  | A) | They were NAACP field secretaries. |
|  | B) | They were northerners who came south to work with the Montgomery movement. |
|  | C) | They were all black women who refused to comply with the Montgomery bus system's racial policy. |
|  | D) | They were founders of the SCLC. |
6 |  |  Which of the following was NOT among the demands of the Montgomery Improvement Association? |
|  | A) | that bus drivers treat black passengers with dignity and respect |
|  | B) | that the city of Montgomery agree to hire black bus drivers in black neighborhoods |
|  | C) | that the city adopt a first-come, first-reserved seating system, with blacks filling the rear of buses and whites the front |
|  | D) | that Rosa Parks' arrest be removed from her criminal record |
7 |  |  Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of Martin Luther King, Jr. at the time of the Montgomery bus boycott? |
|  | A) | He was from Atlanta and therefore had no ties, good or bad, to the white community in Montgomery. |
|  | B) | He was only 25 years of age when the movement began. |
|  | C) | He thought carefully about leading the Montgomery movement, seeking advice from Bayard Rustin, Charles Hamilton Houston, and other veterans of the fight for black rights. |
|  | D) | His home was firebombed during the boycott. |
8 |  |  Why did the Montgomery bus boycott end? |
|  | A) | The violence of white resistance shattered the movement. |
|  | B) | The Supreme Court affirmed a U.S. District Court ruling that Alabama's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses was unconstitutional. |
|  | C) | The groundswell of other civil rights protest pulled the boycott's leadership to other locations, taking the focus off Montgomery. |
|  | D) | The city met the MIA's demands once fiscal losses became problematic. |
9 |  |  What black leader had served time in federal prison for refusing to be drafted in the Korean War, was inspired by the Montgomery bus boycott to return to the U.S. from a missionary trip, and taught weekly workshops on the philosophy of nonviolence to such future civil rights leaders as Diane Nash and John Lewis? |
|  | A) | James M. Lawson, Jr. |
|  | B) | Kelly Miller Smith |
|  | C) | James Bevel |
|  | D) | A. J. Muste |
10 |  |  Where was the first lunch counter sit-in? |
|  | A) | Nashville, Tennessee |
|  | B) | Montgomery, Alabama |
|  | C) | Greensboro, North Carolina |
|  | D) | Atlanta, Georgia |
11 |  |  Which civil rights organization was student-led? |
|  | A) | CORE |
|  | B) | SCLC |
|  | C) | SNCC |
|  | D) | NAACP |
12 |  |  Where were freedom songs first used as an integral part of civil rights demonstrations? |
|  | A) | Montgomery, Alabama |
|  | B) | Albany, Georgia |
|  | C) | Greensboro, North Carolina |
|  | D) | Nashville, Tennessee |
13 |  |  What role did national media coverage play in the Birmingham movement? |
|  | A) | The nation saw and read about the violence in the city, and the resulting sympathy and monetary donations hastened the end of segregation there. |
|  | B) | Most members of the media were not sympathetic with the protesters and skewed their coverage to imply that the leadership was composed of communists and "outside agitators." |
|  | C) | It forced the city's police to adopt non-responsive tactics like those used in Albany in order to keep violent images from making their way into the media. |
|  | D) | It gave Martin Luther King a national platform, making him the "unofficial" head of the general civil rights movement. |
14 |  |  How did the Kennedy administration react to Birmingham? |
|  | A) | Kennedy ordered 3,000 federal troops to take positions near the city, and he considered federalizing the Alabama National Guard. |
|  | B) | Kennedy hesitated to act and by the time he was ready to do so, the SCLC had already reached an agreement with the city's leaders. |
|  | C) | Kennedy privately stated that he did not believe there was legal precedent that would allow him to intervene. |
|  | D) | Kennedy and his administration pointedly ignored what was happening in Birmingham. |
15 |  |  When was Freedom Summer? |
|  | A) | 1964 |
|  | B) | 1965 |
|  | C) | 1966 |
|  | D) | 1967 |
16 |  |  What Alabama city saw the violence remembered as "Bloody Sunday" in the civil rights movement? |
|  | A) | Montgomery |
|  | B) | Birmingham |
|  | C) | Selma |
|  | D) | Huntsville |
17 |  |  What black woman accomplished the first successful integration of a public university (at the University of Georgia, along with Hamilton Holmes)? |
|  | A) | Arthurine Lucy |
|  | B) | Charlayne Hunter |
|  | C) | Joanne Gibson Robinson |
|  | D) | Daisy Bates |
18 |  |  What black woman was an NAACP field secretary, national director of NAACP branches, and executive secretary of the SCLC; and was instrumental in the founding of SNCC? |
|  | A) | Fannie Lou Hamer |
|  | B) | Joanne Gibson Robinson |
|  | C) | Ella Baker |
|  | D) | Septima Clark |
19 |  |  By 1956, forty blacks served in state legislatures. How many of those were in the South? |
|  | A) | none |
|  | B) | 2 |
|  | C) | 5 |
|  | D) | 9 |
20 |  |  When did the March on Washington take place? |
|  | A) | 1962 |
|  | B) | 1963 |
|  | C) | 1964 |
|  | D) | 1965 |
21 |  |  What does the text cite as the "most intractable issue" in the North for blacks? |
|  | A) | job discrimination |
|  | B) | housing |
|  | C) | education |
|  | D) | racial violence |
22 |  |  Who was the first president to address the NAACP? |
|  | A) | Franklin Roosevelt |
|  | B) | Harry Truman |
|  | C) | Dwight Eisenhower |
|  | D) | John Kennedy |
23 |  |  What president began the process which resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first civil rights law since 1875? |
|  | A) | Franklin Roosevelt |
|  | B) | Harry Truman |
|  | C) | Dwight Eisenhower |
|  | D) | John Kennedy |
24 |  |  What country became the first former African colony to join the UN in 1957? |
|  | A) | Ghana |
|  | B) | Liberia |
|  | C) | Congo |
|  | D) | Sudan |
25 |  |  What president appointed Robert Weaver, the first black person to hold a cabinet office, to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)? |
|  | A) | Franklin Roosevelt |
|  | B) | Harry Truman |
|  | C) | Dwight Eisenhower |
|  | D) | John Kennedy |
26 |  |  What constitutional amendment, ratified in January 1964, outlawed the poll tax in federal elections? |
|  | A) | the Twenty-second |
|  | B) | the Twenty-third |
|  | C) | the Twenty-fourth |
|  | D) | the Twenty-fifth |
27 |  |  What is the most far-reaching law in support of racial equality ever enacted by Congress? |
|  | A) | the Civil Rights Act of 1964 |
|  | B) | the Civil Rights Act of 1957 |
|  | C) | the Civil Rights Act of 1960 |
|  | D) | Executive Order 8802 |
28 |  |  The Voting Rights Act of 1965 resulted in, by the end of 1965, the registration of approximately how many new black voters? |
|  | A) | 100,000 |
|  | B) | 200,000 |
|  | C) | 250,000 |
|  | D) | 500,000 |
29 |  |  On what state did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 have the greatest impact? |
|  | A) | Mississippi |
|  | B) | Alabama |
|  | C) | Georgia |
|  | D) | South Carolina |
30 |  |  By 1970, approximately what percentage of the school systems in the South were classified as desegregated? |
|  | A) | about 20 |
|  | B) | about 50 |
|  | C) | about 75 |
|  | D) | about 90 |