1 |  |  When did the idea of an all-black movement in America begin? |
|  | A) | with Malcolm X |
|  | B) | with A. Philip Randolph's World War II-era call for an all-black march on Washington |
|  | C) | with Marcus Garvey |
|  | D) | The origins are debatable, since there is a long history in America of black self-reliance and self-determination. |
2 |  |  Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of the Black Muslims? |
|  | A) | They rejected all names that might imply a connection with whites. |
|  | B) | They advocated a racially exclusive religious membership but cooperation with whites in political action. |
|  | C) | The most highly recognized Black Muslim was Muhammad Ali. |
|  | D) | Elijah Muhammad's interpretation of Islam differed considerably from Islamic beliefs in other parts of the world. |
3 |  |  What were the Deacons of Defense and Justice? |
|  | A) | an organization founded in 1964 that was armed and worked in conjunction with other, nonviolent civil rights organizations |
|  | B) | a paramilitary black organization founded in 1945 with the sole purpose of arming black people to protect themselves from white violence |
|  | C) | the first paramilitary arm of the Nation of Islam |
|  | D) | the predecessors of the Black Panther Party, founded in Alabama as a result of the violence in Selma |
4 |  |  What person does the text identify as exemplifying "the transition from self-defense to armed revolution"? |
|  | A) | Charles Sims |
|  | B) | Robert F. Williams |
|  | C) | Malcolm X |
|  | D) | James Farmer |
5 |  |  What person does the text identify as most responsible for internationalizing the struggle for African-American freedom? |
|  | A) | Charles Sims |
|  | B) | Robert F. Williams |
|  | C) | Malcolm X |
|  | D) | James Farmer |
6 |  |  Malcolm X emphasized that blacks were an African people. Elijah Muhammad claimed that blacks were a(n) ________ people. |
|  | A) | Asiatic |
|  | B) | Indo-Aryan |
|  | C) | indigenous |
|  | D) | Aboriginal |
7 |  |  When was Malcolm X assassinated? |
|  | A) | 1963 |
|  | B) | 1965 |
|  | C) | 1967 |
|  | D) | 1968 |
8 |  |  Who uttered the phrase "black power!" at a freedom rally in Greenwood, Mississippi in June 1966? |
|  | A) | Floyd McKissick |
|  | B) | James Meredith |
|  | C) | Stokely Carmichael |
|  | D) | Huey P. Newton |
9 |  |  Which of the following is NOT among the actions that were taken by CORE and/or SNCC in 1966 that symbolized the shift to militancy? |
|  | A) | SNCC expelled its white members. |
|  | B) | CORE expelled its white members. |
|  | C) | SNCC chose Stokely Carmichael as its chairman over John Lewis. |
|  | D) | SNCC adopted the image of a black panther as its symbol. |
10 |  |  Where was the Black Panther Party of Self Defense founded in 1966? |
|  | A) | Oakland, California |
|  | B) | Lowndes County, Alabama |
|  | C) | Greenwood, Mississippi |
|  | D) | Bogalusa, Louisiana |
11 |  |  What militant civil rights leader changed his name to Kwame Touré and moved to Guinea where he continued to work toward the goal of pan-Africanism until his death in 1998? |
|  | A) | Huey P. Newton |
|  | B) | Stokely Carmichael |
|  | C) | Eldridge Cleaver |
|  | D) | Bobby Seale |
12 |  |  How did Eldridge Cleaver, in his best-selling memoir Soul on Ice, characterize black women? |
|  | A) | as the vanguard of the power movement |
|  | B) | as the best "infiltrators" of white society |
|  | C) | as an ally of the white man |
|  | D) | as a passive tool of more powerful black men |
13 |  |  What group does the text identify as most representative of cultural nationalism? |
|  | A) | US |
|  | B) | the Black Panther Party (in its later years) |
|  | C) | the Nation of Islam |
|  | D) | SNCC |
14 |  |  When were Black Studies programs first introduced into university curricula? |
|  | A) | the mid-1950s |
|  | B) | the mid-1960s |
|  | C) | the late 1960s |
|  | D) | the early 1970s |
15 |  |  How many black colleges had white presidents in 1965? |
|  | A) | none |
|  | B) | three |
|  | C) | five |
|  | D) | seven |
16 |  |  What, other than the clenched fist, does the text identify as the image which most vividly symbolized the black-power era? |
|  | A) | dashikis |
|  | B) | Kwanzaa |
|  | C) | the Afro |
|  | D) | dark glasses and berets |
17 |  |  What black writer won acclaim for the book of music criticism Blues People, won an Obie Award for the play Dutchman, established the Black Arts Reparatory Theater in Harlem, and after becoming radicalized in 1965, wrote the poem "Black Art," which included the verses "We want poems that kill…wrestle cops into alleys/ and take their weapons leaving them dead"? |
|  | A) | Amiri Baraka |
|  | B) | Larry Neal |
|  | C) | Addison Gayle |
|  | D) | John Oliver Killens |
18 |  |  What filmmaker broke ground with the "blaxploitation" surprise bombshell Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song? |
|  | A) | Alex Haley |
|  | B) | Melvin Van Peebles |
|  | C) | Fred Williamson |
|  | D) | Jim Brown |
19 |  |  Who was the most celebrated graphic artist of this era? |
|  | A) | Romare Bearden |
|  | B) | Archie Shepp |
|  | C) | David Driskell |
|  | D) | Lucile Roberts |
20 |  |  What black female writer's book The Bluest Eye, published in 1970, told the story of a young black girl in the 1940s who prays for blonde hair and blue eyes? |
|  | A) | Toni Cade Bambara |
|  | B) | Maya Angelou |
|  | C) | Gayl Jones |
|  | D) | Toni Morrison |
21 |  |  What did the Moynihan report identify as the "fundamental source of the weakness of the Negro community at the present time" in 1965? |
|  | A) | the black family |
|  | B) | the Black Power movement |
|  | C) | black militancy |
|  | D) | poverty |
22 |  |  What black woman stated, in 1972, that "in many respects it was more difficult to be a woman than a black"? |
|  | A) | Maya Angelou |
|  | B) | Angela Davis |
|  | C) | Shirley Chisholm |
|  | D) | Barbara Eichelberger |
23 |  |  What was the most radical of the black power women's organizations? |
|  | A) | the Third World Women's Alliance |
|  | B) | Women in Community Service |
|  | C) | the National Black Feminist Organization |
|  | D) | the National Alliance of Black Feminists |
24 |  |  The year 1963 was a prosperous one for the U.S. in general. How did the unemployment rate for blacks compare to that of whites? |
|  | A) | It was 20 percent higher. |
|  | B) | It was 37 percent higher. |
|  | C) | It was 73 percent higher. |
|  | D) | It was 114 percent higher. |
25 |  |  When did the Watts riot occur? |
|  | A) | 1963 |
|  | B) | 1964 |
|  | C) | 1965 |
|  | D) | 1966 |
26 |  |  At the time of the Watts riot, what percentage of potential African American wage earners were unemployed? |
|  | A) | 10 |
|  | B) | 20 |
|  | C) | 30 |
|  | D) | 40 |
27 |  |  Detroit saw the worst of all the mid-sixties riots. What was the dollar value of property lost? |
|  | A) | $20 million |
|  | B) | $80 million |
|  | C) | $300,000 million |
|  | D) | $500,000 million |
28 |  |  When was Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated? |
|  | A) | 1963 |
|  | B) | 1965 |
|  | C) | 1968 |
|  | D) | 1970 |
29 |  |  By 1970, twelve central cities outside the South (including New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia) were home to approximately what percent of the total black population of the U.S.? |
|  | A) | 30 |
|  | B) | 50 |
|  | C) | 37 |
|  | D) | 61 |
30 |  |  In 1973, how many members did the Congressional Black Caucus have? |
|  | A) | 13 |
|  | B) | 9 |
|  | C) | 16 |
|  | D) | 23 |