1 |  |  In 1985, the white unemployment rate was 6.6 percent. What was the black unemployment rate? |
|  | A) | 13.4 |
|  | B) | 8.6 |
|  | C) | 15.6 |
|  | D) | 8.5 |
2 |  |  In 1990, the median income for white families was $36,915. What was the median income for black families? |
|  | A) | $21,151 |
|  | B) | $21,453 |
|  | C) | $34,481 |
|  | D) | $28,653 |
3 |  |  What scholar was the first to identify and seriously critique the rise of the black underclass? |
|  | A) | William Julius Wilson |
|  | B) | Cornell West |
|  | C) | Henry Louis Gates, Jr. |
|  | D) | Barbara Fields |
4 |  |  What was the purpose of the Million Man March? |
|  | A) | to demand job equality |
|  | B) | to protest the perception of the "undeserving black poor" |
|  | C) | to renew a commitment to the transformation of black communities |
|  | D) | to "reform" the reputation of the Nation of Islam |
5 |  |  Who was the first African American female astronaut? |
|  | A) | Dr. Mae C. Jemison |
|  | B) | Maxine Waters |
|  | C) | Shirley Chisholm |
|  | D) | Dr. Marion Wright Edelman |
6 |  |  What black athlete headed Forbes magazine's list of the forty highest paid athletes for three years (1990-1992)? |
|  | A) | Shaquille O'Neal |
|  | B) | Michael Jordan |
|  | C) | Tiger Woods |
|  | D) | Charles Barkley |
7 |  |  Who was Chicago's first black mayor? |
|  | A) | Jesse Jackson |
|  | B) | Harold Washington |
|  | C) | Marion Berry, Jr. |
|  | D) | Andrew Jackson |
8 |  |  Who used the Rainbow Coalition to support his presidential campaign? |
|  | A) | Jesse Jackson |
|  | B) | Harold Washington |
|  | C) | Marion Berry, Jr. |
|  | D) | Andrew Jackson |
9 |  |  How did Jesse Jackson's 1984 bid for the presidency affect the black electorate? |
|  | A) | Blacks voted in larger numbers than ever before. |
|  | B) | Blacks were generally not supportive of Jackson's presidency and turned out in relatively low numbers. |
|  | C) | Blacks supported Jackson, but there was no change in the number of black voters in the 1984 election. |
|  | D) | Black women came out in record numbers to support Jackson, but there was no discernable increase in black male voting. |
10 |  |  What happened to black unemployment rates during the Reagan-Bush years? |
|  | A) | It grew at an alarming rate. |
|  | B) | It declined drastically. |
|  | C) | It declined in urban areas but there was incredible growth in rural areas. |
|  | D) | It remained about the same as the preceding two decades. |
11 |  |  How did Ronald Reagan respond to Senator Jesse Helms's remark that Martin Luther King, Jr. should not have a federal holiday in his honor because of King's alleged Communist Party associations? |
|  | A) | He staunchly defended King. |
|  | B) | He challenged Helms to produce evidence. |
|  | C) | He said "We'll find out in thirty-five years," referencing the period of time for which King's FBI files would be unavailable. |
|  | D) | He called King's family and committed himself, when he would become president in a few days, to fight for the holiday. |
12 |  |  How many votes did Jesse Jackson receive in the 1988 Democratic primary races? |
|  | A) | more than 6.6 million |
|  | B) | more than 2.3 million |
|  | C) | barely 300,000 |
|  | D) | about 1.2 million |
13 |  |  Who was Ronald Brown? |
|  | A) | H. Ross Perot's campaign manager |
|  | B) | the chair of the Democratic National Committee, the first black man to hold the position, and a big reason African Americans were attracted to the 1992 Clinton-Gore ticket |
|  | C) | the head of he U.S. Civil Rights Commission, appointed by President Bush in 1990 |
|  | D) | the first black director-general of the Foreign Service, who served under President George H. W. Bush |
14 |  |  How did the Reagan presidency affect the Civil Rights Commission? |
|  | A) | Reagan wanted the commission gone, and through his actions, though it was not ended, it became little more than a debating society. |
|  | B) | This was one of the few such entities that Reagan supported, and it flourished during his presidency. |
|  | C) | Reagan simply refused to replace retiring members, until the commission ceased to exist. |
|  | D) | This was one of the few such entities that Reagan and his administration simply left alone. |
15 |  |  What issue was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in Martin v. Wilkins in 1989? |
|  | A) | White firefighters in Alabama were allowed to sue the city for making race-conscious promotions, even though there were no blacks employed by the department at the time. |
|  | B) | The city of Richmond's "set aside program" was found to be unconstitutional. |
|  | C) | "Separate but equal" language found its way back into federal hiring practices. |
|  | D) | The burden of proof in a workplace discrimination case was shifted from the employer to the employee. |
16 |  |  Who replaced Thurgood Marshall on the U.S. Supreme Court? |
|  | A) | Ruth Bader Ginsberg |
|  | B) | Sandra Day O'Connor |
|  | C) | Clarence Thomas |
|  | D) | Antonin Scalia |
17 |  |  In June 1995, the Supreme Court found that what state's new congressional district violated the equal protection of white voters? |
|  | A) | North Carolina |
|  | B) | Louisiana |
|  | C) | Georgia |
|  | D) | South Carolina |
18 |  |  What opinion did the authors of 1994's The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life put forth? |
|  | A) | that black students lagged behind white students because of poverty-related issues |
|  | B) | that black and white students should not be afforded the same education |
|  | C) | that black students' performance was inaccurately measured by standardized testing that did not consider cultural factors |
|  | D) | that race should not be considered a factor in assessing a student's abilities |
19 |  |  Who was NOT among the black conservative voices that presented the most vocal opposition to affirmative action policies in the 1990s? |
|  | A) | Glenn Loury |
|  | B) | Walter Williams |
|  | C) | Cornell West |
|  | D) | Thomas Sowell |
20 |  |  What racial incident sparked four days of rioting in Los Angeles in 1992? |
|  | A) | the beating of Rodney King |
|  | B) | the acquittal of white police officers who had beaten Rodney King |
|  | C) | the Los Angeles Times' coverage of the Rodney King trial |
|  | D) | Rodney King's conviction for resisting arrest |
21 |  |  Who was Amadou Diallo? |
|  | A) | a black hitchhiker who was chained to a vehicle by two white men and dragged to his death in Texas |
|  | B) | a Haitian immigrant who was beaten and sodomized while in the custody of Brooklyn police officers |
|  | C) | an unarmed Guinean immigrant who, when he reached for his wallet which the police claimed they thought was a gun, was shot forty-five times by New York police |
|  | D) | the last black many to be lynched in America |
22 |  |  What black female writer won a Pulitzer Prize in 1987 for one of her novels and was the first African American recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature for her body of writings? |
|  | A) | Rita Dove |
|  | B) | Toni Morrison |
|  | C) | Alice Walker |
|  | D) | Audre Lord |
23 |  |  Who emerged as the premier African American playwright in the last decade of the twentieth century? |
|  | A) | August Wilson |
|  | B) | Rita Dove |
|  | C) | Gayl Jones |
|  | D) | Ishmael Reed |
24 |  |  What black filmmaker(s) made Do the Right Thing (1989)? |
|  | A) | John Singleton |
|  | B) | Spike Lee |
|  | C) | Mario Van Peebles |
|  | D) | Allen and Albert Hughes |
25 |  |  Who founded the cable network Black Entertainment Television in 1980? |
|  | A) | Robert L. Johnson |
|  | B) | Oprah Winfrey |
|  | C) | Bill Cosby |
|  | D) | Spike Lee |
26 |  |  What artist does the text identify as the one whose life most poignantly "captures black progress and poverty in the late twentieth century"? |
|  | A) | Kara Walker |
|  | B) | Lorna Simpson |
|  | C) | Jean Michel Basquiat |
|  | D) | Eugene J. Martin |
27 |  |  When did Hip Hop begin? |
|  | A) | the 1970s |
|  | B) | the 1980s |
|  | C) | the 1990s |
|  | D) | the 1960s |
28 |  |  Who emerged as arguable the first major producer of Hip Hop? |
|  | A) | Sean Combs |
|  | B) | Afrika Bambaataa |
|  | C) | Russell Simmons |
|  | D) | Rick Rubin |
29 |  |  What Hip Hop group provoked a wave of controversy with their album Nasty as They Wanna Be in 1989? |
|  | A) | 2 Live Crew |
|  | B) | Run-DMC |
|  | C) | Public Enemy |
|  | D) | the Beastie Boys |
30 |  |  When did apartheid end in Africa? |
|  | A) | in 1985 |
|  | B) | in 1990 |
|  | C) | in 1992 |
|  | D) | in 1998 |