1 |  |  In the 2000 presidential election, what percentage of the black vote went to George W. Bush? |
|  | A) | about 18 |
|  | B) | less than 10 |
|  | C) | about 23 |
|  | D) | about15 |
2 |  |  Who was the first black secretary of state in U.S. history? |
|  | A) | Colin Powell |
|  | B) | Condoleeza Rice |
|  | C) | Thurgood Marshall |
|  | D) | There has yet to be a black secretary of state. |
3 |  |  How were questions of black voter disfranchisement in Florida's 2000 presidential election finally resolved? |
|  | A) | The law that prevented anyone convicted of a crime from voting, and caused many people with the same name as those convicted to be denied the right to vote, was overturned. |
|  | B) | New laws gave poll administrators the right to check registration status "on demand." |
|  | C) | A law was passed making it a felony to knowingly move a polling location or close a polling location early. |
|  | D) | Those questions were never resolved. |
4 |  |  What issue was addressed in the 2004 decision Vieth v. Jubelirer? |
|  | A) | gerrymandering |
|  | B) | polling restrictions |
|  | C) | convicted felons voting |
|  | D) | law school admissions |
5 |  |  Who did President George W. Bush appoint to replace William J. Rehnquist as chief justice of the U.S. Supreme court in 2005? |
|  | A) | Samuel Alito |
|  | B) | John Roberts |
|  | C) | Sandra Day O'Connor |
|  | D) | Colin Powell |
6 |  |  The U.S. Supreme Court issued two rulings on the same day, one in the case of Grutter v. Bollinger and the other in Gratz v. Bollinger, that left what issue completely ambiguous? |
|  | A) | gerrymandering |
|  | B) | affirmative action |
|  | C) | voter restrictions |
|  | D) | gender-based hiring |
7 |  |  In general, what ideological direction has the Supreme Court taken in the past three decades? |
|  | A) | far to the left |
|  | B) | far to the right |
|  | C) | consistently the same as it had been |
|  | D) | wildly uneven; sometimes far right, sometimes far left |
8 |  |  Every year since 1989, Representative John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan introduces legislation (so far without success) to establish a congressional committee to address what issue? |
|  | A) | school integration |
|  | B) | busing |
|  | C) | reparations for slavery |
|  | D) | affirmative action |
9 |  |  In connection with what crime was Edgar Ray Killen finally convicted of manslaughter in 2005? |
|  | A) | complicity in the destruction of the Greenwood district of Tulsa in the 1921 riot |
|  | B) | the murders of Andrew Goodman, James Cheney, and Michael Schwerner, three civil rights workers who were killed in Mississippi in 1964 |
|  | C) | the murder of NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers in 1963 |
|  | D) | the murder of the teenager Emmitt Till in 1955 |
10 |  |  Today, how much more likely is a black American to die from cancer than a white American? |
|  | A) | 10 |
|  | B) | 5 |
|  | C) | 23 |
|  | D) | 34 |
11 |  |  According to 2005 statistics, what percentage of HIV/AIDS cases in the U.S. are African Americans, who make up 13 percent of the total U.S. population? |
|  | A) | 20 |
|  | B) | 30 |
|  | C) | 40 |
|  | D) | 50 |
12 |  |  What group represents the fastest growing population of newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS cases? |
|  | A) | black women |
|  | B) | black heterosexual men |
|  | C) | black teenagers, 13 to 18, both male and female |
|  | D) | black homosexual men |
13 |  |  What is the "Down Low"? |
|  | A) | a tacit agreement in most black communities not to discuss HIV/AIDS |
|  | B) | the general homophobia that pervades most black communities |
|  | C) | when supposedly straight black men have sex with men and then with female spouses or partners without informing them of their homosexual activities |
|  | D) | black lesbian relationships, which are particularly frowned upon in communities with strong evangelical church ties |
14 |  |  Blacks make up what percentage of the U.S. prison population? |
|  | A) | 28 |
|  | B) | 34 |
|  | C) | 47 |
|  | D) | 53 |
15 |  |  What percentage of black students graduate from high school? |
|  | A) | 93 |
|  | B) | 81 |
|  | C) | 72 |
|  | D) | 64 |
16 |  |  In his book More Than Just Race (2009), William Julius Wilson pointed out that in 2005, college graduates showed little difference in employment rates (88.3% for whites, 86.2% for blacks, and 80.2% for Hispanics). However, he also noted that for every 100 black male college grates in 2003-2005, there were ________ black female graduates. |
|  | A) | 100 |
|  | B) | 80 |
|  | C) | 150 |
|  | D) | 200 |
17 |  |  In 1970, the prison population of the U.S. was 200,000. What was it estimated to be in 2006? |
|  | A) | 1.3 million |
|  | B) | 1 million |
|  | C) | 2 million |
|  | D) | 2.25 million |
18 |  |  How long did it take National Guard troops to arrive in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck? |
|  | A) | two days |
|  | B) | three days |
|  | C) | a week |
|  | D) | twelve days |
19 |  |  What prompted Hop Hop artist Kanye West to denounce the handling of the Hurricane Katrina crisis? |
|  | A) | the way media, specifically Getty Images and the Associated Press, were depicted black hurricane survivors as "looters" |
|  | B) | Mayor Ray Nagin's inability to get the federal aid needed in New Orleans |
|  | C) | the Bush administration's inability to get federal assistance to New Orleans more quickly |
|  | D) | the lack of support from the nation at large for the hurricane victims |
20 |  |  From what African country have international stars such as MC Solaar, Positive Black Soul, MC Lida, and others come, a country whose tassou tradition is similar to rapping? |
|  | A) | Senegal |
|  | B) | Angola |
|  | C) | Kenya |
|  | D) | South Africa |
21 |  |  In just one example of the global nature of Hip Hop, who said "Lots of hip-hop tracks sample Indian music, and a lot of their music sounds like it was influenced by hip-hop"? |
|  | A) | Russell Simmons |
|  | B) | Sean Combs |
|  | C) | Kanye West |
|  | D) | Snoop Dogg |
22 |  |  What does the text identify as the two important demographic trends redefining America's black population at the beginning of the twenty-first century? |
|  | A) | the movement of black populations to the West and North |
|  | B) | the movement of black populations back to the South and the increasing diversity of the black population |
|  | C) | the decreasing number of black men as compared to black women and the movement of black populations to the Midwest and Northwest |
|  | D) | the skyrocketing number of black female college graduates and the shrinking birthrate among most black populations |
23 |  |  Which of the following is NOT among the states with growing black populations at the beginning of the twenty-first century? |
|  | A) | California |
|  | B) | Georgia |
|  | C) | Florida |
|  | D) | South Carolina |
24 |  |  What was the U.S. black population in 2000, according to the census? |
|  | A) | 19.8 million |
|  | B) | 25.8 million |
|  | C) | 36.4 million |
|  | D) | 38.9 million |
25 |  |  From where do most Afro-Caribbean immigrants come? |
|  | A) | Jamaica and Haiti |
|  | B) | Trinidad and Tobago |
|  | C) | the Bahamas and Jamaica |
|  | D) | Barbados and Haiti |
26 |  |  Typically, how do first-generation black immigrants fit into the African American community? |
|  | A) | generally quite well, since there is a shared sense of ethnic background |
|  | B) | many times not well, since black immigrants tend to identify with their home countries and cultures |
|  | C) | It depends upon where they are settling; cities tend to amplify differences. |
|  | D) | The two groups generally get along well to start with, but relations tend to decline with the children of the immigrants. |
27 |  |  When did Barack Obama first come to national attention? |
|  | A) | in August 2004, when he was the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention |
|  | B) | when he was elected to the Senate |
|  | C) | when he appeared on Oprah to discuss his book Dreams from My Father (1995) |
|  | D) | when he became president of the Harvard Law Review |
28 |  |  What was "Camp Obama"? |
|  | A) | Obama's strong support base, assembled in Chicago, that saw him all the way through the election |
|  | B) | three- to four-day training sessions of about fifty volunteers to train young adults to work for the campaign |
|  | C) | the group of powerful black Americans, such as Oprah Winfrey, who underwrote much of Obama's campaign |
|  | D) | the code name for the Republican strategy to try to discredit Obama after he won the Democratic nomination |
29 |  |  Coming into the primaries, Obama's coalition was generally comprised of Africa Americans, college-educated whites, and young voters. Which of the following was NOT among the primary groups making up Hillary Clinton's coalition? |
|  | A) | women |
|  | B) | Latinos |
|  | C) | non-college-educated whites |
|  | D) | African Americans |
30 |  |  John McCain won 173 electoral votes. How many did Barack Obama win, along with 53 percent of the popular vote? |
|  | A) | 320 |
|  | B) | 343 |
|  | C) | 365 |
|  | D) | 358 |