Racial Domination, Racial Progress: The Sociology of Race in America
Matthew Desmond,
University of Wisconsin --- Madison Mustafa Emirbayer,
University of Wisconsin --- Madison
ISBN: 0072970510 Copyright year: 2011
Evaluates "race" not as separate racial groups, but as systems of social relations. This is an innovative approach that allows the authors to show how racial domination and progress work across all fields of life (educational, political, economic, etc.), rather than being artificially divided into racial and ethnic groups.
Historical processes are explicitly addressed in each chapter providing a comprehensive overview of how racial divisions were historically established.
Dynamic photographs and illustrations from the areas of fine art, popular culture, history, satire, and the news enhance the story of this text in strong, sometimes heart-rending, ways.
From Theory to Practice exercises ask students to take concepts learned in the chapter and apply them to specific, real-life scenarios
Recommended Readings expand the material covered within each chapter through lists of additional readings
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