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addressable technology  technology enabling a program provider to switch access to pay services on and off at the hub
basic cable  television channels provided automatically by virtue of subscription to a cable provider
BOC  regional Bell operating company
bundling  delivering television, VOD, audio, high-speed Internet access, long-distance and local phone service, multiple phone lines, and fax via cable
cable modem  modem connecting a computer to the Internet via a specified Internet service provider
churn  in cable, turnover in subscribership, whereby new subscriptions are offset by cancellations
common carrier  technology required to carry the messages of others with no power to shape or restrict them
community antenna television (CATV)  outmoded name for early cable television
density  number of households per mile of cable
digital cable television  delivery of digital video images and other information to subscribers' homes
digital compression  "squeezing" of digital signals to permit multiple signals to be carried over one channel
drop cable  cable television line that runs from the feeder to people's homes
expanded basic cable  in cable television a second, somewhat more expensive level of subscription
feeder cables  television cable that runs from the trunk cable into individual neighborhoods or areas
headend  place or equipment necessary for cable television to receive and process a signal
hub  cable system operation itself, in which signals are processed and boosted for distribution
interactive cable  ability of subscribers to talk back to cable system operators on the same wire used by operators to deliver content
interdiction technology  technology that descrambles pay channel cable television signals outside the home
local carriage rules  rules requiring cable systems to carry specific sets of television signals
master antenna television (MATV)  connecting multiple sets in a single location or building to a single, master antenna
microwave multidistribution systems (MMDS)  video distribution system employing a home microwave receiver to collect signals and pipe them through a house via internal wiring
multichannel service  fee-based provider (such as cable and DBS) of video content
multiple system operator (MSO)  a company owning several different cable television operations
pass-by rate  number of homes passed by or with the potential to take cable
pay cable  cable television channels delivered to those viewers who pay a fee over and above their basic service charge
pay-per-view  cable television viewers pay a set fee for delivery of a specific piece of content
penetration  number of homes passed by cable that actually subscribe
public access channel  cable channel reserved on a first-come, first-served, nondiscriminatory basis for use by groups or individuals who maintain editorial control of their programming
satellite master antenna (SMATV)  video distribution system in which signals are captured by a satellite dish and then distributed throughout a structure
subscription TV  early experiments with over-the-air pay television
super trunk cable  television cable that leads from the headend to the hub
telcos  phone companies
tier  groupings of channels made available by a cable or satellite provider to subscribers at varying prices
trunk cable  television cable that leads from the headend into the community
video-on-demand (VOD)  service allowing television viewers to access pay-per-view movies and other content that can be watched whenever they want

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