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The first notion(s) about the effects of mass media are known as
A)mass society theory.
B)hypodermic needle theory.
C)magic bullet theory.
D)All the above are correct.

The move away from magic bullet notions about the power of media effect is said to have occurred
A)following The War of the Worlds radio broadcast.
B)during World War I.
C)following World War II.
D)at the beginning of the 20th century.

Mass communication theory has undergone multiple paradigm shifts during its development. This is due to all of the following EXCEPT
A)calls for regulation or control of media messages.
B)social science's move away from qualitative research methods.
C)introduction of new technologies or form of mass media.
D)commitment to protect democracy.

A Democrat who listens to the presidential debate and cannot remember much of what the Republican candidate said is an example of
A)selective exposure.
B)dissonance theory.
C)selective retention.
D)selective perception.

The theory that says media do not do things to people; rather, people do things with media is:
A)agenda setting.
B)uses and gratifications.
C)dependency theory.
D)dissonance theory.

Agenda setting theory is primarily used to explain this type of media messages
A)political communication.
B)advertising images in magazines.
C)violence on television.
D)corporate ownership trends.

The argument that people become increasingly dependent on media and media content to understand the world, to behave meaningfully, and to escape is
A)dependency theory.
B)agenda setting.
C)dissonance theory.
D)All the above are correct.

The idea that people learn through observation is
A)dissonance theory.
B)cultural theory.
C)social cognitive theory.
D)symbolic interaction.

Modeling, according to social cognitive theory, occurs in two ways. They are
A)inhibitory and disinhibitory effects.
B)conscious and unconscious.
C)cognitively and emotionally.
D)imitation and identification.

Cultural theorists hold what view of the audience receiving mass media messages?
A)They are passively taking in the messages.
B)They are ignoring the messages as a form of social protest.
C)They are all making the same meaning out of the messages.
D)They are actively taking in the messages.

The idea that watching violence in the media reduces people's innate aggressive drive is
B)stimulation model.
C)aggressive cues.
D)All the above are correct.

A person's aggression is inhibited because someone in a television show has been punished for aggressive behavior. This is
A)environmental incentives.
C)vicarious reinforcement.
D)aggressive cues.

The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism argues that alcohol advertising stimulates high consumption of alcohol by
B)children in grades 5 through 12.
D)All the above are correct.

When media _________________________ , it is said to influence people's perceptions about groups of people.
B)use embedding tactics
C)refuse airtime to minorities
D)All the above are correct.

A key concern about the role of television in the American election process is
A)the increase in negative campaign ads.
B)the media simply reinforces people's existing views about candidates.
C)an apathetic and alienated public.
D)the influence of agenda setting on the voting public.

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