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Making Sense of Statistics in Research
A directory of resources that will help you understand more about the statistical tests and terms mentioned in research documents.
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HyperStat Online Textbook
This introductory level online statistics textbook discusses a wide range of topics, including; probability, normal distribution, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, and measuring effect size.
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Sampling Distribution Simulation
Explore various aspects of sampling distributions using this online simulation. This simulation is set to initially sample five numbers from the population, compute the mean of the five numbers, and plot the mean. The student can change the sample size to vary the results.
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Measurement and Statistics
Introduces measures of central tendency, normal distribution, and standardized scores. Includes links to outside calculator resources.
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Pitfalls of Data Analysis
This paper discusses common errors people make in their data analysis, such as bias, methodology errors, and problems with interpretation. Strategies for ensuring clear and accurate statistics are provided. Includes examples from medicine, education, and industry.
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Rice Virtual Lab
The Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics includes an online statistics text, simulations and demonstrations, case studies, and basic statistical analysis tools.
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National Center for Education Statistics
Part of the U.S. Department of Education, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data that are related to education in the United States and other nations.
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Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada is Canada's national statistical agency, with programs organized into three broad subject matter areas: demographic and social, socio-economic and economic. Under the Statistics Act, Statistics Canada is required to collect, compile, analyze, abstract, and publish statistical information on virtually every aspect of the nation's society and economy.
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StatLib is maintained by the Department of Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University.
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Data Resources for Sociologists
Data Resources for Sociologists is derived from the Data Resources Poster Session held at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.
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Introduction to Descriptive Statistics
Jay Hill of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign maintains a Web site, which provides an Introduction to Descriptive Statistics. The site includes basic descriptions, examples, and practice exercises for determining the following descriptive statistics: mode, median, mean, central tendency, variation, range, variance and standard deviation.
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Ed-Data: Education Data Partnership
The California Department of Education's Educational Demographics Office allows users to select and examine various data and reports. These summaries of a variety of variables, including testing performance and demographic information, can be viewed on the state, district, or individual school level.
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Design and Evaluate ResearchOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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