1 |  |  A sampling distribution is a distribution of |
|  | A) | study participants. |
|  | B) | statistics. |
|  | C) | parameters. |
|  | D) | raw scores. |
2 |  |  In a normal distribution, 95% of the scores are within + or - |
|  | A) | one standard deviation of the mean. |
|  | B) | two standard deviations of the mean. |
|  | C) | three standard deviations of the mean. |
|  | D) | four standard deviations of the mean. |
3 |  |  The standard deviation of a statistic is called |
|  | A) | the standard error. |
|  | B) | the sampling error. |
|  | C) | a quartile. |
|  | D) | a confidence interval. |
4 |  |  Which of the following is an example of a null hypothesis? |
|  | A) | Motivation is not related to achievement. |
|  | B) | Highly motivated people are more likely to be successful than those with low motivation. |
|  | C) | Highly motivated people are less likely to be successful than those with low motivation. |
|  | D) | Motivation is related to achievement. |
5 |  |  When researchers state that a finding is statistically significant, they are stating that |
|  | A) | the results are important. |
|  | B) | the outcomes of the study could be due to chance only 5 times in 100. |
|  | C) | the sample statistics in the study are equal to the population parameters. |
|  | D) | the researchers rejected the null hypothesis. |
6 |  |  If a researcher rejects a null hypothesis, the researcher either |
|  | A) | is incorrect, or made a Type I error. |
|  | B) | is correct, or made a Type I error. |
|  | C) | is incorrect, or made a Type II error. |
|  | D) | is correct, or made a Type II error. |
7 |  |  An inferential technique for analyzing the relationship between two categorical variables is |
|  | A) | analysis of variance. |
|  | B) | analysis of covariance. |
|  | C) | the Mann-Whitney U test. |
|  | D) | the chi-square test. |
8 |  |  Certain types of procedures that allow researchers to make inferences about a population based on findings from a sample best describes |
|  | A) | descriptive statistics. |
|  | B) | inferential statistics. |
|  | C) | correlational statistics. |
|  | D) | cross-break. |
9 |  |  What is the term that describes the difference between a sample and its population? |
|  | A) | sampling error |
|  | B) | the chi-square test |
|  | C) | descriptive statistics |
|  | D) | inferential statistics |
10 |  |  Which type of hypothesis specifies that there is no relationship in the population? |
|  | A) | research hypothesis |
|  | B) | descriptive hypothesis |
|  | C) | null hypothesis |
|  | D) | inferential hypothesis |
11 |  |  When researchers make various assumptions about the nature of the population from which the sample involved is drawn, this is a requirement of |
|  | A) | nonparametric techniques. |
|  | B) | the null hypothesis. |
|  | C) | sampling error. |
|  | D) | parametric techniques. |
12 |  |  When researchers make few, if any, assumptions about the nature of the population from which the sample involved in the survey is drawn, this refers to |
|  | A) | sampling error. |
|  | B) | parametric techniques. |
|  | C) | nonparametric techniques. |
|  | D) | null hypothesis. |
13 |  |  t-test for means |
|  | A) | used when comparing two sets of rankings |
|  | B) | used when comparing several sets of scores |
|  | C) | used when comparing two sets of scores |
|  | D) | used with categorical data |
14 |  |  Mann-Whitney U test |
|  | A) | used when comparing two sets of rankings |
|  | B) | used when comparing several sets of scores |
|  | C) | used when comparing two sets of scores |
|  | D) | used with categorical data |
15 |  |  Chi-Square |
|  | A) | used when comparing two sets of rankings |
|  | B) | used when comparing several sets of scores |
|  | C) | used when comparing two sets of scores |
|  | D) | used with categorical data |
16 |  |  Analysis of Variance |
|  | A) | used when comparing two sets of rankings |
|  | B) | used when comparing several sets of scores |
|  | C) | used when comparing two sets of scores |
|  | D) | used with categorical data |