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Key Terms
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Coefficient of determination  The square of the correlation coefficient. It indicates the degree of relationship between two variables.
Coefficient of multiple correlation  An index of the strength of the relationship among a combination of predictor variables and the criterion variable.
Correlation coefficient  A decimal number between .00 and +1.00 and –1.00 that indicates the degree to which two quantitative variables are related.
Criterion variable  The variable that is predicted in a prediction study; also any variables used to assess the criterion-related validity of an instrument.
Discriminant function analysis  A statistical procedure for predicting group membership (a categorical variable) from two or more quantitative variables.
Factor analysis  A statistical method for reducing a set of variables to a smaller number of factors.
Multiple regression  A technique using a prediction equation with two or more variables in combination to predict a criterion (y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3...).
Partial correlation  A method of controlling the subject characteristics threat in correlational research by statistically holding one or more variables constant.
Path analysis  A type of sophisticated analysis investigating causal connections among correlated variables.
Prediction  The estimation of scores on one variable from information about one or more other variables.
Prediction equation  A mathematical equation used in a prediction study.
Prediction studies  Attempts to determine variables that are related to a criterion variable.
Predictor variable  The variable from which projections are made in a prediction study.
Regression line  The line of best fit for a set of scores plotted on coordinate axes (on a scatterplot).

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