1 |  |  The foremost ethical question a researcher must address is |
|  | A) | Can I keep the names of the participants confidential? |
|  | B) | Are participants protected from harm? |
|  | C) | Will other scientists be able to replicate my study? |
|  | D) | Is deception absolutely necessary? |
2 |  |  When does the scientific community permit research that may cause participants harm? |
|  | A) | When the participants are under the care of a legal guardian who signs a consent form. |
|  | B) | When the participants agree to participate in exchange for substantial remuneration. |
|  | C) | When the potential value of the study for humans is very high. |
|  | D) | The scientific community never permits research that may cause harm. |
3 |  |  The ethical principle that data collected from subjects should be kept confidential means that |
|  | A) | data should be collected from anonymous participants. |
|  | B) | researchers should never reveal the names of participants when they report results. |
|  | C) | names can be released with the data only to other research professionals. |
|  | D) | participants should not be told how they scored on the study's measuring instruments. |
4 |  |  Who is protected by the law of privileged communications? |
|  | A) | researchers, physicians, and members of the clergy |
|  | B) | researchers, attorneys, and physicians |
|  | C) | researchers, attorneys, and members of the clergy |
|  | D) | attorneys, physicians, and members of the clergy |
5 |  |  Study participants should always be told of their right to |
|  | A) | withdraw from participation in the study. |
|  | B) | report suspicious research practices to the institutional review board. |
|  | C) | compare the data they provide with other data collected in the study. |
|  | D) | footnote their dissatisfaction with the study in the final research report. |
6 |  |  An educational psychology student who conducts dissertation research using human participants must obtain formal approval that the research meets ethical guidelines from |
|  | A) | the dissertation committee. |
|  | B) | an institutional, college, or department review board. |
|  | C) | the Department of Health and Human Services. |
|  | D) | the American Psychological Association Committee on Scientific and Professional Ethics. |
7 |  |  Which of the following is not a professional guideline concerning the use of deception? |
|  | A) | Researchers should avoid deception if possible. |
|  | B) | Deception should be used only when the potential value of the study is high. |
|  | C) | Deception is permitted in studies involving children with parental consent. |
|  | D) | Deceived participants must be provided with sufficient explanation as soon as possible. |
8 |  |  This federal agency has the major responsibility for establishing the guidelines for research involving human subjects. |
|  | A) | Environmental Protection Agency |
|  | B) | Food and Drug Administration |
|  | C) | U.S. Department of Education |
|  | D) | Health and Human Services |
9 |  |  Which of the following is an example of ethical research practices? |
|  | A) | As a student of a university, you are not required to participate in any study. |
|  | B) | If some of the results in a research study are different from the others, it is okay to delete the different ones. |
|  | C) | It is okay to conduct research on students under the age of 18 without gaining parental approval if the research is for education. |
|  | D) | It is ethical to coerce children to participate in research without parental approval. |
10 |  |  Which of the following is an example of unethical practices? |
|  | A) | As a student of a university, you are not required to participate in any study. |
|  | B) | If some of the results in a research study are different from the others, it is okay to delete the different ones. |
|  | C) | It is unethical to coerce children to participate in research without parental approval. |
|  | D) | It is okay to conduct research on students under the age of 18, but you must first gain parental approval. |
11 |  |  In any study, what are the three important ethical questions to ask about harm? |
|  | A) | Could people be harmed (physically or psychologically) during the study? Should the study be conducted another way to find out what the researcher wants to know? Is the information that may be obtained from this study so important that it warrants possible harm to the participants? |
|  | B) | How much pain can a human subject tolerate? Should the study be conducted another way to find out what the researcher wants to know? Is the information that may be obtained from this study so important that it warrants possible harm to the participants? |
|  | C) | Could people be harmed (physically or psychologically) during the study? If a participant is harmed, how long do the harmful effects last? Is the information that may be obtained from this study so important that it warrants possible harm to the participants? |
12 |  |  Which of the following is not a suggested method to ensure confidentiality of research data? |
|  | A) | Assure all participants that any data collected from them or about them will be held in confidence. |
|  | B) | The names of individual subjects should never be used in any publication that describe the research. |
|  | C) | All participants should have the right to withdraw from the study or to request that the data collected abut them not be used. |
|  | D) | Share the names of the participants only with the researchers in your state. |
13 |  |  Before any research involving humans can be conducted at an institution that receives Federal Funds, it must be reviewed by which group at the institution? |
|  | A) | group of their peers |
|  | B) | an institutional review board |
|  | C) | the student senate |
|  | D) | the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences |