Reliability: How Stable and Consistent Is Your Instrument? |
| This article provides basic information about an important characteristic of a good measurement instrument: reliability. (
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Validity |
| Provides a brief and concise introduction to the concept of validity. ( Reliability and Validity/Validity....
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Test Validity and Reliability |
| Explains the differences among concurrent validity, content validity, and predictive validity. Discusses test-retest reliability, parallel forms reliability, and inter-rater reliability. (
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Validity and Reliability |
| This online workbook offers review quizzes, student activities, and explanations of key concepts relevant to validity and reliability. Answers to review questions appear at the bottom of the page. (
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Traditional and Modern Concepts of Validity |
| This article contrasts the modern concepts of validity with the traditional methods of gathering validity evidence. Includes an overview of two major threats to test validity. (
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