Simchi-Levi 3e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, 3/e

David Simchi-Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philip Kaminsky, University of California - Berkeley
Edith Simchi-Levi, Logic Tools, Inc.

ISBN: 007298239x
Copyright year: 2008

Feature Summary

  • Broad Introduction to many critical issues in Supply Chain Management: The topics discussed range from a basic discussion of inventory management, logistics network design, distribution systems, and customer value, to more advanced discussions of strategic alliances, the value of information in the supply chain, information technology and decisions support systems, and international issues in supply chain management. This vast coverage provides students an in-depth study of effective supply chain management.

  • State-of-the-art models: Managing and Designing the Supply Chain introduces state-of-the-art models, concepts, and solution methods important in the design, control operation, and management of supply chain systems. While conveying the intuition behind many key supply chain concepts, the authors provide simple techniques, which can be used to analyze various aspects of the supply chain demonstrating the best and most current approaches to supply chain management.

  • Innovative Software included on CD-ROM: The Computerized Beer Game, the Risk PoolGame, and the Bidding Game are included on a CD-ROM, available free of charge and packaged with each copy of the text. These games provide a stimulating way for students to learn many of the concepts discussed in the book.

  • Case Studies: Each chapter contains at least one case study. The purpose of these case studies are twofold: to offer a real example of a supply chain challenge and to provide students with numerous opportunities to apply their knowledge to a strategic question or set of questions involving supply chain management.

  •  Examples: The authors have included numerous examples in each chapter to illustrate various concepts, framework and strategies.

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