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Journal Prompts
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Option One:
Think about your reactions to this chapter. Did you see yourself in any of the personal stories shared by the author or students?


If you were to write a similar contribution to include in this chapter, what story would you tell about your own experiences?


Option Two:
Identify anything in your own life that has the potential to distract you from your commitment to college work. What are the issues that you foresee getting in the way of your success?


What solutions can you think of for the issues you have identified?


Option Three:
Give an example from your own life that describes "commitment." This can be a positive experience that shows how your personal commitment has helped you reach a goal, or it can be a negative experience, where you lacked commitment or had difficulty staying motivated.


Option Four:
Look at the list of avoidance tactics on pages 17-18. Pick one that you might be likely to encounter, and write all about it. Give details to support why you might use this. Explain the entire situation.


After you have written down everything you can think of to demonstrate how this excuse applies to your life, take the other side. Pretend you are arguing with yourself about this issue, and write down everything that is wrong with the previous list, or offer solutions to the problems.


What would someone say to you who is extremely supportive, and wants to see you succeed? Include everything that this person would say to you.

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