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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Choose the best answer

What is a syllabus?
A)The instructor's prediction of each student's grade
B)The instructor's job contract
C)The instructor's plan for the course
D)A legal form that the instructor has to pass out to students
Why is the syllabus important for students?
A)It helps you get organized for the semester.
B)It explains the instructor's grading system.
C)It gives you exam dates and assignment due dates.
D)All of the above
How can a monthly calendar help students do well in school?
A)It allows you to see, at a glance, what you need to do throughout the semester.
B)It allows you to plan ahead, especially for weeks when many assignments are due at once.
C)It allows you to get out of exams when you have a lot of work due in the same week.
D)A and B
How much study time should you dedicate to each course, at a minimum?
A)Every hour of class time should receive at least one hour of study time.
B)As much as possible
C)About an hour for each day you have class
D)It's impossible to know until after you have taken your first exam.
After creating a weekly study schedule, what should you do if you find that you have taken on too much to realistically complete?
A)Quit your job.
B)Drop out of school and start again next semester.
C)Drop workouts, family time and relaxation from your schedule.
D)Talk with an instructor or counselor about dropping one or more courses.
What are some benefits of setting aside regular study time?
A)Regular study hours help make studying a habit.
B)You will be better able to stay up to date on your courses.
C)A series of study sessions is more effective than a single, long "cram" session.
D)All of the above.
When are the best times to study?
A)You only have to study right before exams.
B)Before class
C)After class
D)B and C
How can you be flexible with your study schedule without missing out on valuable study time?
A)When unexpected events come up, just skip studying for that day.
B)When unexpected events come up, trade times on your weekly schedule.
C)Make sure you don't ever miss studying at the scheduled time.
D)Make sure there are no empty spaces in your schedule.
What are some specific ways to improve your concentration?
A)Work on a positive attitude.
B)Set specific study goals.
C)Create a good study environment.
D)All of the above

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