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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Choose the best answer

How do memorization and understanding fit together when studying?
A)Memorization and understanding reinforce each other.
B)Memorization and understanding help you enlarge your comprehension of the material.
C)A and B
D)It's a waste of time to memorize information that you don't understand.
What is the first step in remembering important information?
A)Taking a large chunk of time to reread information
C)Decide to remember everything you can
D)Test yourself on the material
Why is repeated testing important?
A)Constant review is the key do effective memorization.
B)Repeated testing will help you be organized.
C)Repeated testing helps you deal better with test anxiety.
D)Frequent review of the information helps you understand more about it each time.
What is a mnemonic device?
A)A device to help hold the book open while you read
B)A device to increase memory while you sleep
C)A device to help you recall key information
D)A rhyming list of words
What are key words?
A)The first words of each sentence in a page you want to memorize
B)Words made up of the first letter of other words
C)Words your instructor uses often
D)Words that stand for the central part of an idea you want to remember
What are catch words?
A)Words that stand for the central part of an idea you want to remember
B)Words made up of the first letter of other words
C)Words your instructor uses often
D)A and B
Why is it helpful to space memory work over several sessions?
A)This helps you study a lot less than you normally would have to.
B)This helps you learn to cram for exams very effectively.
C)This helps prevent your mind from being overwhelmed by useless details while you study.
D)This gives you a chance to review and lock in material you have studied earlier but begun to forget.
When is the best time to study material you need to memorize?
A)The night before the test, so the information will be fresh
B)Right before bed, so the information will be absorbed while you sleep
C)First thing in the morning, so you can get it over with
D)During class, so you will be in the same setting as the exam

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