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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Choose the best answer

What is the best way to avoid test anxiety?
A)Distract yourself by going out with friends or watching TV.
B)Be prepared for the exam.
C)Drop out of classes that have big exams scheduled.
D)Tell your teacher that you get nervous about tests to get another kind of assignment.
What should you study when preparing for exams?
A)Key terms
C)Points emphasized in class or the text
D)All of the above
What are some good ways to make the most of your time before the test?
A)Make a final review of notes right before bed the night before the test.
B)Be on time for the test, with all the materials you will need, and sit in a quiet spot in the classroom.
C)Read all the directions before you take the test.
D)All of the above
What kinds of questions usually appear on objective exams?
A)Multiple choice and fill in the blank questions
B)True/false and matching questions
C)Questions that require a paragraph or two for the answer
D)A and B
What are some ways to prepare for an objective exam?
A)Make up practice test items while you study.
B)Ask the instructor what will be on the test.
C)Review all main points covered in the last exam.
D)All of the above
When taking an objective exam, what are some strategies to take the test successfully?
A)Answer the easiest questions first.
B)Answer all the questions unless the instructor tells you not to.
C)Take advantage of the full time given to go over the exam carefully for possible mistakes.
D)All of the above.
What can you do when you come to questions that are difficult to answer?
A)Go back and spend extra time with the difficult questions.
B)Ask the instructor to explain any unclear items.
C)Rephrase difficult questions in your own words.
D)All of the above
What are some things you can do to be successful with multiple choice questions?
A)Read every answer to see which one provides the best choice.
B)Always choose the longest answer.
C)Always choose the answer that contains the most complete information
D)When in doubt, guess.

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