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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Observations of sexuality in infants indicate that:
A)erections in boys and lubrication in girls do not occur until late childhood.
B)infants with optimal maternal relationships are more likely to masturbate than infants who have problematic relationships with their mothers.
C)the earliest sexual behaviors are social in nature.
D)masturbation during infancy is associated with problematic mother-child relationships.
Which of the following is true with regard to early childhood sexual experiences?
A)Empirical data suggest that witnessing the "primal scene" is not damaging to children.
B)Freud believed that witnessing the "primal scene" would boost a child's confidence in subsequent psychosexual development.
C)Children's sexuality becomes less social during early childhood than it was during infancy.
D)Sexual play with members of one's own gender is less common than sexual play with members of the other gender.
During preadolescence:
A)most sexual exploration occurs in opposite-gendered pairs.
B)most sexual exploration occurs in same-gendered pairs or groups.
C)the genders tend to be segregated in neighborhood playgroups, but not at school.
D)boys do their sexual exploring alone.
Udry's (1988) study of adolescent sexuality found that:
A)testosterone levels had little relationship to sexual activity.
B)permissive sexual attitudes had little relationship to sexual activity.
C)father absence had a significant relationship to sexual activity in girls.
D)mother absence was the most significant factor influencing whether a girl would be sexually active or not.
With regard to masturbation during adolescence:
A)the incidence of masturbation decreases sharply.
B)girls tend to begin masturbating earlier than boys.
C)recent data suggest that adolescents begin to masturbate at later ages today than when the Kinsey data were collected.
D)boys tend to begin masturbating earlier than girls.
In their sociological analysis of premarital sexual behavior, DeLamater and MacCorquodale found that:
A)sexual ideology was unrelated to premarital sexual experience.
B)the variable most closely related to the respondents' current behavior was the emotional quality of their current relationship.
C)the variables most closely related to current behavior were psychological variables, such as self-image and self-esteem.
D)women no longer require greater emotional commitment than men before they are accepting of premarital intercourse.
Among European American, Black American, and Latino adolescents, variables that are associated with being sexually active include:
A)alcohol use.
B)lower grade point average.
C)greater time spent at home unsupervised by an adult.
D)all of these.
Which of the following accurately characterizes findings on emotional reactions to first intercourse in the study by Sprecher et al., 1995?
A)Women reported significantly greater pleasure than did men.
B)Women reported significantly less guilt than did men.
C)The experience of orgasm was unrelated to finding the experience pleasurable.
D)Women reported significantly less pleasure than did men.
Which of the following accurately describes current courtship patterns in the United States?
A)Dating and going steady occur at much older ages than in previous generations.
B)Dating and going steady occur at about the same ages as in previous generations.
C)The most common premarital sexual pattern is serial monogamy.
D)Most women have only one premarital sexual partner.
According to Erik Erikson's model of psychosocial development, the period of adolescence involves a crisis between:
A)basic trust and mistrust.
B)initiative and guilt.
C)identity and role confusion.
D)generativity and stagnation.

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