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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The "opposites attract" adage appears to be accurate with regard to:
C)interpersonal style.
D)physical attractiveness.
A great deal of evidence shows that, given a choice of more than one potential partner, men and women prefer the partner who is:
A)more physically attractive.
C)more athletic.
The "interpersonal marketplace" principle suggests the tendency in our society for:
A)attractive men to pair with attractive to slightly less attractive women.
B)beautiful women to pair with wealthy men.
C)handsome and rich men to pair with smart women.
D)wealthy men to pair with older women.
Respondents in a study by the National Survey of Black Americans associated what aspect with attractiveness?
B)skin tone
Research on playing hard-to-get found that:
A)men had higher opinions of women who are hard-to-get than of easy-to-get women.
B)men had higher opinions of women who are easy-to-get than of hard-to-get women.
C)men didn't like women who they thought they would have to work with.
D)men appeared to prefer women who are selectively hard-to-get.
Research on jealousy indicates that:
A)women are more jealous than men in all situations.
B)men are more likely to become jealous in response to their partner's sexual activity.
C)men are more likely to become jealous in response to their partner's emotional involvement with a third person.
D)men are more jealous than women in all situations.
According to the sexual strategies theory of sociobiologists:
A)men prefer women who will be sexually faithful because they want to be certain about the paternity of offspring.
B)men prefer young women because they are more likely to be fertile than older women.
C)women must make a much greater investment than men in order to reproduce.
D)all of these.
Research on the importance of self-disclosure to intimacy indicates that self-disclosure:
A)promotes intimacy in a relationship even when the partner does not respond to the self-disclosure in an accepting manner.
B)and intimacy appear to mutually build on each other.
C)of facts is more closely related to intimacy than self-disclosure of emotions.
D)and intimacy consistently increase over time.
Kissing, touching, and making love are examples of acting on which component of love in Sternberg's model?
According to the "love as a story" model:
A)we create a different love story for each relationship after we fall in love.
B)love stories originate in our culture and are not related to personal experiences and characteristics.
C)love stories derive their power from the fact that they are self-fulfilling.
D)love stories are unlikely to influence relationships significantly.
Which of the following is an example of the emotional component of love on the Passionate Love Scale (PLS)?
A)Sometimes I feel I can't control my thoughts; they are obsessively on______.
B)For me, ______ is the perfect romantic partner.
C)I will love ______ forever.
D)I eagerly look for signs indicating ______'s desire for me.
Research supports which of the following statements about love between men and women?
A)Women and men fall in love at the same time.
B)Women fall in love earlier in a relationship.
C)Men fall in love earlier in a relationship.
D)Women talk more about falling in love than men do.
Which of the following is true of research done on the two-component theory of love?
A)No researchers to date have tried to study this using an experimental design.
B)In most studies, men displayed attraction to an attractive male interviewer.
C)In one study, men who engaged in physical exercise expressed more liking for an attractive, female confederate than men who had not exercised.
D)In most studies, men displayed attraction to a female interviewer regardless of how attractive or unattractive she was.
In which country would a person be MOST LIKELY to marry even if she or he didn't love the intended spouse?
A)United States

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