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Prostitutes  (Commercial sex workers) A person who engages in sexual acts in return for money or drugs and does so in a promiscuous, fairly nondiscriminating fashion.
Call girl  The most expensive and exclusive category of prostitutes.
Brothel (BRAH-thul)  A house of prostitution where prostitutes and customers meet for sexual activity.
In-call service  A residence in which prostitutes work regular shifts, selling sexual services on an hourly basis.
Massage parlor  A place where massages, as well as sexual services, can generally be purchased.
Out-call service  A service that sends a prostitute or sex worker to a location specified by the client to provide sexual services.
Streetwalker  A lower-status prostitute or sex worker who walks the streets selling sexual services.
Pimp  A prostitute's companion, protector, and master.
Madam  A woman who manages a brothel, in-call, out-call, or escort service.
Sex trafficking  The recruitment and control of persons for sexual exploitation.
Gigolo (JIG-uh-loh)  A male who provides companionship and sexual gratification on a continuing basis to a woman in exchange for money.
Hustler  A male sex worker who sells his services to men.
Sex tourism  Leisure travel with the purpose of purchasing sexual services.
Pornography  Sexually arousing art, literature, or films.
Obscenity  Something that is offensive according to accepted standards of decency; the legal term for pornography.
Erotica  Sexually arousing material that is not degrading or demeaning to women, men, or children.
Kiddie porn  Pictures or films of sexual acts involving children.

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