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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Orders of monks and nuns, found in Eastern religions, as well as Christianity, are good examples of institutionalized:
An important theme with regard to sexuality in the Judaism of the Old Testament is that:
A)sexual behavior is an important aspect of national and religious loyalty.
B)sex is seen as just another biological function.
C)sex should be separated from its social consequences.
D)celibacy is superior to marriage.
________ is distinctive among the major world religions in insisting on monogamy.
Which of the following is true about St. Thomas Aquinas?
A)He was one of the most important sources of Catholic moral theology.
B)He used a "natural law" approach to Christian ethics.
C)He believed that the "natural" purpose of sex is procreation, so all nonprocreative sex is sinful.
D)all of these.
Which of the following described the beliefs of the Puritans?
A)They emphasized the doctrine of "original sin" and hewed to strict standards of behavior.
B)Puritans embraced "free love."
C)Puritanism allowed for open debate about sexuality.
D)Each Puritan sect forbade sexual intercourse among its members.
Which of the following is true with regard to the scandal in the Catholic Church over the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests?
A)The Church leaked allegations to the press so that the public could not say they weren't informed about the issue.
B)About two-thirds of American Catholics believed that the Church treated abusive priests too leniently.
C)By 1995, thousands of priests faced allegations of sexual misconduct.
D)The scandal caused a shift in authority within the Catholic Church.
Which of the following is true with regard to classical Islam?
A)Sexuality is seen positively.
B)Polygamy and concubinage are not allowed.
C)Celibacy is required of the clergy.
D)It is characterized as a female-dominated faith.
Which of the following describes the "profamily" political movement in the United States?
A)It is rooted in religious conservatism.
B)Profamily proponents are increasingly attempting to influence the legislative process.
C)The profamily position favors an absolute constitutional ban on abortion.
D)all of these.
Which of the following is part of the both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Jewish views about contraception?
A)Both oppose "artificial" means of contraception.
B)Both religions stress the dangers of world overpopulation.
C)Both views recognize the needs of emerging nations for more equitable distribution of resources.
D)Both see the use of contraceptives as part of the responsible use of individual freedom.
Which of the following is true with regard to the debate over homosexuality in the religious community?
A)Some recent scholarship suggests that the traditional negative interpretation of Bible passages on homosexuality is accurate.
B)Many religious groups do not make a distinction between homosexual orientation and behavior.
C)The Episcopal Church does not support civil rights and liberties for homosexual persons and officially opposes the ordination of practicing homosexuals.
D)Jesus did not condemn homosexual acts in his teachings.
A major problem of situationism as a basis for determining ethical sexual behavior is that:
A)it downgrades the goodness of human sexuality and negates the joys of physical pleasure.
B)it does not take sufficiently into account the problem of human selfishness.
C)it is based on a legalistic view of sexual ethics.
D)it provides clear standards of right and wrong.
Which of the following is true about therapeutic cloning?
A)It holds promise for treating neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's.
B)It is actively supported by the U.S. government.
C)It is not being investigated by scientists in other countries.
D)It refers to destroying tissues or cells that are identical to those of a patient.

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