Labor Relations
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Table of Contents

Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Process, 9/e

John A. Fossum, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis

ISBN: 0072987138
Copyright year: 2006

Table of Contents

Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2The Evolution of American Labor
Chapter 3Labor Law and Federal Agencies
Chapter 4Union Structure and Government
Chapter 5Unions: Member and Leader Attitudes, Behaviors, and Political Activities
Chapter 6Union Organizing Campaigns
Chapter 7Union Avoidance: Rationale, Strategies, and Practices
Chapter 8The Environment for Bargaining
Chapter 9Wage and Benefit Issues in Bargaining
Chapter 10Nonwage Issues in Bargaining
Chapter 11Contract Negotiations
Chapter 12Impasses and Their Resolution
Chapter 13Union-Management Cooperation
Chapter 14Contract Administration
Chapter 15Grievance Arbitration
Chapter 16Public-Sector Labor Relations
Chapter 17A Survey of Labor Relations in Market Economies

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