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  1. Does your local newspaper have a web site? If so, examine the difference in design between the print and online editions. Which do you find easier and more interesting to read?

  2. Evaluate your local newspaper's web site according to the web site checklist on page 264.

  3. Visit the newspaper web sites recommended on this site (link to recommended sites as mentioned in sidebar on page 258). How do these sites compare to your local newspaper's site? See if you can find features or design elements that would improve your local newspaper's site.

  4. To code an entire site you need experience and software, but if you've never used HTML before, try coding the sample article in Chapter Five, exercise 2, referring as needed to page 259 of the text or to a basic HTML tutorial such as

  5. If your local newspaper (or, say, your local high school paper) does not have a web site, try drawing up a planning map for it, following the example on page 258.

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