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Author Quiz
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Stars with a bright, bluish light must
A)be hotter than white, red, or yellow stars.
B)be more massive than most other stars.
C)have a shorter life span than white, red, or yellow stars.
D)All of the above.

The difference in brightness between two stars is related to
A)the amount of light and energy produced by the stars.
B)the relative size of the stars.
C)the distances between the stars.
D)all of these.

Each data point on the H-R diagram represents
A)surface temperature and brightness.
B)size and density.
C)diameter and volume.
D)type of fuel used by the star.

A main sequence star on the H-R diagram is a star that is
A)near the end of its life.
B)just beginning its life.
C)a normal, mature star in midlife.
D)found only in the Milk Way Galaxy.

A red giant star is a
A)high temperature giant star.
B)high temperature star that is very bright.
C)low temperature star with a large surface area.
D)low temperature star with a small surface area.

The expected life span of a star the size of the Sun is
A)10 billion years.
B)1 billion years.
C)100 million years.
D)10 million years.

Compared to a star like the Sun, a blue-white star
A)is more massive.
B)has a higher surface temperature.
C)burns its fuel at a greater rate.
D)all of these.

The eventual fate of our Sun is to most likely become
A)a neutron star.
B)a supernova.
C)a white dwarf.
D)a black hole.

A white dwarf star is
A)very bright because it is very hot.
B)faint because it is very small.
C)white because it is cooler than a red giant.
D)white because it is smaller than a red giant.

Most of the stars plotted on a H-R diagram are
A)red giant stars.
B)white dwarf stars.
C)cepheid variables.
D)main sequence stars.

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