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Reconstructing Gender Book Cover
Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology, 4/e
Estelle Disch, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

*New articles are marked with an asterisk.

Part I: It’s Not Just About Gender

1. Marable, Manning. (1995). Toward Black American Empowerment.
2. *Zia, Helen (2000). From nothing, a consciousness. Excerpt (pp13-20) from Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People.NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
3. Espada, Martín. (1996). The Puerto Rican Dummy and the Merciful Son.
4. Allen, Paula Gunn, "Angry Women Are Building: Issues and Struggles Facing American Indian Women Today"
5. Atkin, Ruth and Rich, Adrienne, " 'J.A.P.' - Slapping: The Politics of Scapegoating"
6. *Wright, Kai. (2001). To be poor and transgender. The Progressive, 65 (10), 21-24.
7. *McIntosh, Peggy( ). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women's studies.
8. Baca Zinn, Maxine and Dill, Bonnie Thornton. (1996). Theorizing Difference from Multiracial Feminism.

Part II: Gender Socialization

9. Judith Lorber, (1994). The Social Construction of Gender.
10. Kimmel, Michael (1997). Masculinity as Homophobia (excerpt).
11. Messner, Michael A. "Boyhood, Organized Sports and the Construction of Masculinities"
12. *Collins, Patricia Hill (2000). Color, hair texture and standards of beauty. Excerpt (pp 88-92) from Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment, second edition. NY: Routledge.
13. Cofer, Judith Ortiz, "The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria”
14. Avicolli, Tommi, "He Defies You Still: The Memoirs of a Sissy"
15. *Due, Linnea (1995). Growing Up Hidden. From Joining the Tribe: Growing Up Gay and Lesbian in the '90's. NY: Anchor Books, pp. xxvi-xxix
16. *Kaplan, Danny. (2000). Excerpt from: The military as a second bar mitzvah: Combat service as initiation to Zionist masculinity. In Mai Ghoussoub & Emma Sinclair-Webb (eds.) Imagined masculinities: Male identity in the modern Middle East, pp127-135, plus notes and references. London: Saqi Books.
17. *Peteet, Julie. (2000). Becoming men. Excerpt from: Male gender and rituals of resistance in the Palestinian intifada: A cultural politics of violence. In Mai Ghoussoub & Emma Sinclair-Webb (eds.) Imagined masculinities: Male identity in the modern Middle East, pp103, 109-113 plus notes and references. London: Saqi Books.

Part III: Embodiment

18. Saltzberg, Elaine A. and Chrisler, Joan C. (1995). Beauty is the Beast: Psychological Effects of the Pursuit of the Perfect Female Body
19. Thompson, Becky W. (1992). "A Way Outa No Way": Eating Problems among African-American, Latina, and White Women.
20. Staples, Brent, "Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space”
21. Kriegel, Leonard, "Taking It”
22. Macdonald, Barbara, 1979. "Do You Remember Me?"
23. Haubegger, Christy, "I'm Not Fat, I'm Latina,"
24. Coventry, Martha, “??The Tyranny of the Esthetic: Surgery's Most Intimate Violation.”
25. *Brumberg, Joan Jacobs and Jackson, Jacqueline. (2001). The burka and the bikini. The Boston Globe, Nov.29, A31.

Part IV: Communication

26. Parker, Pat, "For the white person who wants to know how to be my friend," Movement in Black (Firebrand,1978).
27. *Pollack, William. (1998). The boy code: Everything's just fine. Real boys: Rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood, 3-6.
28. Tannen, Deborah, "Asymmetries: Women and Men Talking at Cross-Purposes,"
29. Petrie, Phil W., "Real Men Don't Cry...and Other 'Uncool' Myths"
30. McCall, Nathan. (1994). "Danny"
31. Jaimes, M. Annette with Theresa Halsey. (1992). American Indian Women: At the Center of Indigenous Resistance in Contemporary North America.

Part V: Sexuality

32. Stoltenberg, Jon, "How Men Have (a) Sex"
33. Sabo, Don. (1989). The Myth of the Sexual Athlete.
34. Robert Jensen, “Using Pornography”
35. *Bass, Barry A. and Walen, Susan R. (1985). The Sex Experts Versus Ann Landers. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall/Winter, pp. 14-15.
36. *Saxton, Marsha (1995). Reproductive rights: A disability rights issue. Originally published in Sojourner: The Women's Forum. Reprinted in Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey (eds.) Women's lives: Multicultural perspectives, 382-385. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
37. Rust, Paula, “The Impact of Multiple Marginalization”

Part VI: Families

38. Rubin, Lillian B. 1994. "The Transformation of Family Life"
39. *Collins, Patricia Hill (2000). Bloodmothers, othermothers, and women-centered networks. Excerpt (pp178-183, plus references) from Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment, second edition. NY: Routledge.
40. Gerson, Kathleen. (1993). No Man's Land: Men's Changing Commitments to Family and Work.
41. Lorde, Audre, "Man Child: A Black Lesbian Feminist's Response"
42. *Ybarra, Raul E. (2001). Excerpt from I am a man. pp 40-47
43. Hunter, Nan D., 1995. "Sexual Dissent and the Family: The Sharon Kowalski Case"
44. Williams, Walter L. (1992). The Relationship Between Male-Male Friendship and Male-Female Marriage: American Indian and Asian Comparisons.

Part VII: Education

45. Thorne, Barrie (1986). "Boys and Girls Together... But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary Schools"
46. *Ferguson, Ann Arnett. (2000). Dreams. Excerpt from Bad boys: Public schools and the making of black masculinity, 227-234.
47. Sidel, Ruth, "Conflict Within the Ivory Tower,"
48. hooks, bell (1989). Black and Female: Reflections on Graduate School, 55-61.
49. Brod, Harry, "Scholarly Studies of Men: The New Field is an Essential Complement to Women's Studies"

Part VIII: Paid Work and Unemployment

50. Albelda, Randy and Tilly, Chris. (1996). It's A Family Affair: Women, Poverty, and Welfare.
51. *Crittendon, Ann. (2001). Sixty cents to a man's dollar. Excerpt from The price of motherhood: Why the most important job in the world is still the least valued, pp93-99 plus notes on p286-290.
52. Fong-Torres, Ben, "Why Are there No Male Asian Anchormen on TV?"
53. Gray, Stan.(1984). Sharing the Shop Floor.
54. Reskin, Barbara F. (1998). The Effects of Affirmative Action on Other Stakeholders.
55. Enloe, Cynthia. The Globetrotting Sneaker

Part IX: Violence

56. Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie, "Women, Violence and Resistance" (selection from)
57. *Blank, Jonah. (1998). The kid no one noticed. U.S. News & World report.
58. Goodwin, Jan. (1998). The Ultimate Growth Industry: Trafficking in Women and Girls.
59. Zia, Helen. 1995. "Where Race and Gender Meet: Racism, Hate Crimes and Pornography,"
60. *Kupers, Terry A. (1993). Homophobia in straight men. Excerpt from Revisioning men's lives: Gender, intimacy and power, 43-44. NY: Guilford Press.
61. *Rosalind P. Petchesky (2001). “Phantom towers: Feminist reflections on the battle between global capitalism and fundamentalist terrorism.” Women's Review of Books, XIX (2), (Nov) pp 1,3-6.
62. *Rina Amiri, “Comprehending the Afghan Quagmire.” Sojourner:The Women's Forum. Vol. 27, No.3, Nov. 2001, p.7.
63. *Enloe, Cynthia. (2001). Sneak Attack. Ms (Dec/Jan).
64. *Taylor, Desiree (2001). How safe is America? Sojourner: The Women's Forum. Vol. 27, No.3, Nov. 2001, p11,26.

Part X: Health and Illness

65. Sabo on Masculinities and Men's Health
66. Barbee, Evelyn and Little, Marilyn (1993). Health, Social Class and African American Women.
67. Chan, Connie, 1990. "Reproductive Issues Are Essential Survival Issues for the Asian-American Communities"
68. *Steingraber, Sandra. (1999). Why the precautionary principle? A meditation on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and the breasts of mothers. In Carolyn Raffensperger and Joel Tickner (eds.) Protecting public health and the environment: Implementing the precautionary principle, 362-365. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
69. *Campo, Rafael (1999). Does silencio = muerte? Notes on translating the AIDS epidemic. The Progressive, 63 (10), 20-23.

Part XI: A World That is Truly Human

70. Praeger, Roberta (1986). A World Worth Living In
71. Moraga, Cherríe. La Güera.
72. Allen, Robert L. "Stopping Sexual Harassment: A Challenge for Community Education"
73. National Organization for Men Against Sexism. (1991). Statement of Principles.
74. *Michelle Fine and Lois Weis, “Disappearing Acts: The State and Violence against Women in the Twentieth Century. Signs, Summer 2000, Vol 25, No 4, pp 1139ff.
75. *Svirsky,Gila. (2002). Report from Jerusalem: 'A Ray of Sunshine Within This Long Winter of Violence and Tragedy' Sojourner: The Women's Forum, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp 6ff.
75. *Bunche, Charlotte. (no date). On behalf of the Global Campaign for Women's Human Rights. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Center for Women's Global Leadership.

*New articles are marked with an asterisk.