Math and Dosage Calculations
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Math and Dosage Calculations for Medical Careers, 2/e

Kathryn A. Booth
James Whaley

ISBN: 0073018953
Copyright year: 2007

About the Authors

Kathryn A. Booth, RN, MS, is an author, consultant, vice president, and owner of Total Care Programming, a multimedia software development company. Her background includes a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a master’s degree in education. Her 25 years of teaching, nursing, and health care experience span four states. She has authored and developed multimedia CD-ROM software and health occupations educational textbooks and educational materials for Total Care Programming, Inc., Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Mosby Lifeline, and McGraw- Hill Higher Education. Her most recent textbook is Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies by McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Mrs. Booth has presented at numerous state and national conferences since 1994. Her current focus is to develop additional health care materials that will assist health care educators and promote the health care profession. To remain current, she continues to work part-time at Wildwood Medical Clinic in Henrico, NC.

James E. Whaley, RPh, MS, is currently an Associate Professor of Health Sciences and Chemistry at Baker College of Owosso. He routinely teaches anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, general chemistry, and biochemistry. Mr. Whaley has taught at Baker College of Owosso, MI, for the past 10 years and was the first recipient of the prestigious Teacher of the Year award. In addition, he has been selected as a member of Who’s Who Among College Teachers three times. He was responsible for the science curriculum for all 10 Baker campuses while serving as the Baker College System Science Coordinator. Prior to coming to Baker, Mr. Whaley was twice ranked in the top 10 percent of instructors at the University of Illinois, where he was awarded a Fellowship in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the National Institutes of Health. Mr. Whaley worked as a retail pharmacist before beginning his career as an educator, and he has been a registered pharmacist for 24 years.

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