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Chapter Checklist
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After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Identify instances in which you could use or conduct communication research as a student, use or conduct communication research as a professional, and use the results of communication research in your personal life.
  2. Explain the goals of research.
  3. Explain the relationship of research and theory.
  4. Explain communication research as a social science.
  5. Describe how communication research from a social science perspective is different from other forms of communication research and other forms of social science research.
  6. Differentiate among the characteristics of science.
  7. Distinguish between research question and hypothesis.
  8. Explain the law of the hammer.
  9. Describe the differences among questions of fact, variable relations, value, and policy.
  10. Identify questions about communication that you believe are worth pursuing.

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