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Chapter Checklist
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After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Construct a literature review that situates your research study in the historical context of research similar to yours.
  2. Develop a compelling problem statement.
  3. Find and integrate empirical research reports, theory articles, and literature review articles in your literature review.
  4. Organize your literature review to make the best presentation of research questions and hypotheses.
  5. Write a methods section describing the participants, research procedures, and variables.
  6. Write a results section that presents the findings in a straightforward manner.
  7. Write a discussion section that provides interpretations and implications of the research findings.
  8. Identify the limitations of your study and interpret the limitations with respect to your findings.
  9. Recommend future research ideas and methods.
  10. Finish the research report with an appropriate title, title page, abstract, and list of references.
  11. Use APA style for direct and indirect citations and for developing the reference list.
  12. Use the revision process to enhance the quality of the written research report.
  13. Submit your paper for review to a communication association convention.

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