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Chapter Checklist
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After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Address potential ethical issues during the design phase of the research project.
  2. Explain how your research project minimizes risk and enhances benefits to participants.
  3. Find alternative research procedures to avoid physical or psychological harm to participants.
  4. Design a research project that demonstrates beneficence, respect for persons, and justice.
  5. Follow procedures and guidelines required by your university's institutional review board.
  6. Determine the content for and write an informed consent form that is understandable for participants.
  7. Use deception and confederates only if other alternatives are unavailable, and only if these practices do not cause undue harm for participants.
  8. Devise data collection procedures that maintain participants' confidentiality and anonymity.
  9. Understand any risks associated with videotaping and audiotaping participants' interactions.
  10. Provide an adequate debriefing for research participants.
  11. Ensure the accuracy of data and findings.
  12. Write a research report that does not plagiarize the work of others.
  13. Write a description of research participants in such a way as to conceal their identities.

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