Turn off the daylight and horizon displays. Open the
"Display" Palette on the vertical toolbar and click on the
left side of NGC-IC. Under "Which objects to draw," be
sure only Globular Clusters is turned on (as indicated by a
check mark in its box). Click Apply and then OK. Set the
field to 45º. Click on the "Goto" button, which is right
under the "Sky" menu at the top of the display. Set right
ascension and declination to 18h, -30º, respectively, and
then click on "Centre." Count the number of globular
clusters in the field of view. Now center the display 1⁄4 of the
sky away at 12h, 0º. Again count the globular clusters.
Repeat for 6h +30º and 0h 0º. How can you account for
the different numbers of globular clusters seen in different
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