You will know
that you understand fact-finding techniques and requirements discovery when you can:
Define system requirements and differentiate between functional and nonfunctional requirements.
Understand the activity of problem analysis and be able to create an Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram to aid in
problem solving.
Understand the concept of requirements management.
Identify seven fact-finding techniques and characterize the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Understand six guidelines for doing effective listening.
Understand what body language and proxemics are and why a systems analyst should care.
Characterize the typical participants in a JRP session and describe their roles.
Complete the planning process for a JRP session, including selecting and equipping the location, selecting the
participants, and preparing an agenda to guide the JRP session.
Describe several benefits of using JRP as a fact-finding technique.
Describe a fact-finding strategy that will make the most of your time with end users.
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