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Chapter 18 Quiz
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1The arthropods…
A)Make up more than 75 percent of all known species of animals
B)Are more widely and more densely distributed throughout the world than members of all other phyla put together
C)Are segmented eucoelomate protostomes with well-develop organ systems
D)All of the above are correct
E)None of the above is correct

2Arthropods are similar to annelids in that they both have…
B)An open circulatory system
C)Conspicuous metamerism
D)Intersegmental septa
E)None of the above is correct

3Chelicerate arthropods possess which of the following?
D)Three pair of walking legs
E)None of the above is correct

4Compared with annelids, the somites of arthropods are more specialized for a variety of purposes.

5Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)Arthropods have paired, jointed appendages
B)Chitin is found in a few groups besides the arthropods
C)Tracheae provide for a ventilation system more efficient than that of most invertebrates
D)No arthropods are known to have a social structure
E)All of the above are correct

6There is a tendency for somites to be combined into functional groups called…
D)All of the above are correct
E)None of the above is correct

7The coelom of arthropods is reduced in the adults and the circulatory system is open with only a weakly developed dorsal heart.

8Which of the following does not serve a respiratory function in arthropods?
A)Body surface
D)Book lungs
E)All of the above may serve as respiratory surfaces

9The cuticle is an outer covering secreted by the underlying epicuticle.

10In crustaceans, the procuticle is also impregnated with…
C)Calcium salts
D)Potassium salts
E)None of the above is correct

11In crustaceans and insects the cuticle forms ingrowths called __________that serve for muscle attachment.
C)Endocuticle bands
D)Procuticle bands
E)None of the above is correct

12Which of the following is incorrect?
A)Chitin—inert polysaccharide bound with protein
B)Molting—the process of forming a larger exoskeleton
C)Ecdysis—the actual process of shedding the old exoskeleton
D)Metamorphosis—the direct development of an adult from an egg
E)All of the above are correct

13Which of the following has contributed to the success of arthropods?
A)Air piped directly to cells
B)Highly developed sensory organs
C)Complex behavioral patterns
D)Segmentation and efficient locomotor appendages
E)All of the above are correct

14Currently, thinking is that the Subphylum Trilobita had its evolutionary origin before the Cambrian period, and living species today closely resemble those extinct species from 200 million years ago.

15Which of the following groups does NOT belong to the Subphylum Chelicerata?
A)Class Merostomata
B)Subclass Eurypterida
C)Subclass Xiphosurida
D)Class Pycnogonida
E)Order Insecta

16The xiphosurids are all extinct marine forms from the Cambrian. They had book gills but lacked a telson.

17Which one of the following groups does NOT belong to the Class Arachnida?

18Arachnid tagmata consist of a cephalothorax and abdomen.

19A few spiders have a segmented abdomen; this is an ancestral characteristic.

20Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)Spiders and insects have a unique excretory system of Malpighian tubules
B)Spiders seize their prey with their chelicerae and inject venom
C)The anterior chewing appendages on the head are called mandibles
D)All spiders are predators
E)Spiders usually have eight simple eyes

21The ability to spin silk is central to a spider's life, as it is in some other arachnids and many insects.

22Male spiders mate “indirectly” by transferring a small drop of sperm via pedipalps to the seminal receptacles of a female.

23There are two genera of spiders in the United States that can give severe or even fatal bites. These are…
A)Lactrodectus spp
B)Loxoceles spp
C)Atrax spp
D)A and B are correct
E)A, B, and C are correct

24Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)Scorpion tagmata comprise a short cephalothorax, a preabdomen, and a long slender postabdomen
B)Pectines are comblike tactile organs used for exploring the ground and for sex recognition
C)Members of the Order Opiliones show external segmentation on their abdomens
D)Harvestmen are quite venomous and should not be handled
E)Members of the Order Acari are the most medically and economically important group of arachnids

25Perhaps a million species of mites exist in the world, inhabiting both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, but only a few are parasitic during one or more stages of their life cycle.

26Most species of acarines transfer sperm directly and develop a larva having six legs and one or more eight-legged nymphal stages before the adult stage is reached.

27Several species of the genus Demodex inhabit the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of humans, often causing an intense dermatitis.

28Larvae of the genus Trombicula are called chiggers or redbugs. The inflamed welt and intense itching that follows their bite is not the result of the chigger burrowing into the skin, but due to a hardened tube formed around the chelicerae as the host human reacts to the bite.

29Some evidence based on ribosomal RNA sequences supports monophyly of Arthropoda and the inclusion of Onychophora in the phylum. These data also suggest that crustaceans and insects form a…
A)Polyphyletic group
B)Paraphyletic group
C)Monophyletic group
D)Sister group
E)None of the above is correct

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