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Chapter 23 Quiz
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1Amphioxus is a small translucent, fishlike animal that filters organic particles from seawater and exhibits the five distinctive hallmarks of the Phylum Chordata. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of this phylum?
A)Dorsal, tubular nerve cord
B)Supportive notochord beneath a tubular nerve cord
C)Pharyngeal gill slits
E)Free-swimming amphiblastula larva

2The Phylum Chordata belongs to the Deuterostomia branch of the Animal Kingdom and includes the phyla Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and the three lophophorate phyla (Phoronida, Ectoprocta, and Brachiopoda).

3An endoskeleton permits continuous growth without molting and also provides an efficient framework for muscle attachment.

4The perforated pharynx of Protochordates that originated as a suspension-feeding device served as the framework for subsequent evolution of true internal gills, but NOT a pharyngeal muscular pump or jaws.

5If present, this feature in chordates is restricted to the outer body wall, head, and tail, and does not extend into the coelom.
E)Ventral heart

6The thyroid gland is derived in the evolutionary sense from the endostyle.

7Ecologically, the chordates are among the most adaptable of organic groups and they have evolved numerous forms to occupy most habitats.

8In the cladistic classification of the chordates, which of the following groups is no longer recognized?
D)A and B are not recognized
E)None of the above is correct

9Because the reptiles do NOT contain all the ancestors of a single common ancestor, they are considered to be a polyphyletic group.

10Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A)Reptiles, birds, and mammals comprise a monophyletic group called the Amniota
B)Some cladistic classifications exclude Myxini (hagfishes) from the group Vertebrata because hagfishes lack vertebrae, although they are retained in the Craniata since they do have a cranium
C)The notochord is a flexible, rodlike structure made of bone that extends the length of the body
D)In most vertebrates, the notochord is displaced by vertebrae, although remains of the notochord persist between or within the vertebrae
E)The hollow nerve cord is produced in the embryo by infolding of ectodermal cells on the dorsal side of the body above the notochord

11In tetrapod vertebrates the pharyngeal pouches give rise to several different structures, including all but which one of the following?
A)Eustachian tube
B)Middle ear cavity
D)Parathyroid glands

12The postanal tail in humans is present as a vestigial structure comprising a series of small vertebrae and the end of the spinal column, called the flaccid.

13It has been difficult to estimate the phylogeny of the chordates because all the earliest Protochordates were probably soft-bodied creatures that were not easily fossilized.

14The endostyle and its derivative, the thyroid gland, are found not only in all chordates but also in many other animals.

15All vertebrate forelimbs are homologous because they are derived from a pentadactyl limb of a common ancestor.

16The Deuterostomia are almost certainly a natural grouping of interrelated animals.

17One strange group of fossil echinoderms, the Calcichordata, has pharyngeal slits and other chordate attributes such as a postanal tail. However, the calcichordates had a hard skeleton, likely of calcium carbonate, whereas that of vertebrates is composed of calcium phosphate.

18Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)The urochordates, or tunicates, are free-living as larvae but sessile as adults
B)The tunicate is covered by a tough nonliving tunic (or test) that surrounds the animal and contains cellulose
C)The larval form of tunicates has all five of the chordate hallmarks
D)Members of the Ascidiacea can forcefully discharge a jet of water from their excurrent siphon when irritated
E)Urochordates are filter feeders as adults but do not have an endostyle

19Urochordates do not have a circulatory system or a nervous system.

20Tunicates of the Class Thaliacea are called salps; they are nearly transparent and may form chain-like colonies.

21Which of the following is a member of the Cephalochordates?
D)All of the above are members of the Cephalochordata
E)None of the above is a member of the Cephalochordata

22Amphioxus not only has the five basic chordate features it also has which of the following?
A)A hepatic cecum that resembles the vertebrate pancreas
B)A segmented muscular trunk
C)True bone tissue of calcium and phosphate salts
D)Only A and B are correct
E)None of the above is correct

23The Subphylum Vertebrata (Craniata) is a monophyletic group whose members typically possess both an exoskeleton and endoskeleton of cartilage or bone.

24Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)The endoskeleton probably was composed initially of cartilage that later gave rise to bone.
B)The endoskeleton of living hagfishes, lampreys, sharks and their kin, and even in some “bony” fishes such as sturgeons, is mostly composed of cartilage
C)The structural strength of bone is superior to that of cartilage, making it ideal for muscle attachment
D)Phosphorus and calcium are in particularly high demand in organisms with high metabolic rates
E)The bony, dermal armor of early fishes were modified in later fishes as fins

25The anterior end of the nerve cord became enlarged as a tripartite brain in the vertebrates.

26One copy of Hox genes is found in Amphioxus and other invertebrates whereas living gnathostomes have four copies. It is proposed that these additional copies of body-plan controlling genes provided the genetic material to evolve a more complex kind of animal.

27Close to the origin of vertebrates is the 530-million-year-old animal known as Haikouella. The mix of vertebrate and protochordate characters in this animal suggests that the evolution of “vertebrate” soft characters may have preceded the evolution of an endoskeleton.

28Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)The Garstang hypothesis suggests that the chordate ancestral stock was derived by retaining into adulthood the larval form of sessile tunicate-like animals
B)Paedomorphosis, the displacement of ancestral larval or juvenile features into a descendant adult, can be produced by three different evolutionary-development processes: neoteny, progenesis, and post-displacement
C)In body form, appearance, life habit, and many anatomical details, the ammocoete larva resembles amphioxus
D)The earliest known cephalochordates are now believed to be two fossils recently discovered in the early Cambrian fossils beds in China
E)All of the above are correct

29Microscopic toothlike fossils called conodonts are now known to belong to a vertebrate group.

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