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Chapter 37 Quiz
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1All life is confined to a thin veneer of the Earth called the biosphere.

2Biomes are characterized by specific plant and animal associations that are primarily based on…
E)None of the above is correct

3The _________ biome is characterized by low rainfall and high evaporative rates.
A)Temperate coniferous forest
B)Tropical forest
E)None of the above is correct

4The _________ biome is characterized by trees that shed their leaves annually, as well as warm summers and cold winters.
A)Temperate deciduous forest
B)Tropical forest
C)Temperature coniferous forest

5The ________ biome is characterized by the highest diversity of living organisms.
A)Temperate coniferous forest
B)Tropical forest
E)Alpine tundra

6The __________ biome is characterized by a cold, short growing season, and low diversity.
B)Temperate coniferous forest
E)None of the above is correct

7The habitat that has been most damaged by human activities is the…
A)Freshwater habitat
B)Profundal habitat
C)Pelagic zone
D)Mesopelagic zone
E)None of the above is correct

8Which of the following habitats is characterized by the seasonal migration of animals?
B)The profundal zone
C)Temperate deciduous forests
D)Lotic habitats
E)None of the above is correct

9The biome that exhibits the least variation in daily and annual temperature and precipitation is the…
B)Temperate deciduous forest
C)Tropical forest
E)None of the above is correct

10In the oceanic realm, the majority of species are found in the…
A)Benthic habitat
C)Epipelagic zone
D)Mesopelagic zone
E)None of the above is correct

11The deepest area of the ocean is known as the…
A)Epipelagic zone
B)Neretic zone
C)Mesopelagic zone
D)Hadopelagic zone
E)None of the above is correct

12Pangea split into two (super) continents known as…
A)Gondwana and Tethys
B)Pangaea and Gondwana
C)Tethys and Laurasia
D)Laurasia and Gondwana
E)None of the above is correct

13The distribution of members of this group of animals provides striking evidence for the theory of continental drift.
A)The marsupials
E)None of the above is correct

14A land bridge between North America and South America existed during the…
A)Early Cenozoic
B)Pliocene epoch
C)Middle Mesozoic
E)None of the above is correct

15Which of the following is NOT correct?
A)Global climatic differences are primarily based on latitudinal differences.
B)The greenhouse effect is primarily due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other compounds in the atmosphere that impede heat loss and increase the temperature at the surface of the Earth.
C)Our atmospheric oxygen probably originated almost entirely from photosynthesis.
D)The Coriolis effect deflects air in the Northern hemisphere to the right and to the left in the Southern hemisphere.
E)Lentic environments include streams and rivers.

16Which of the following is correct?
A)The northern boreal forest is also called the taiga and is dominated by trees such as maples and oaks
B)An animal that lives on the bottom of a marine habitat is referred to as pelagic
C)Areas in the Mesopelagic zone, where there is upwelling, are the most productive found in the ocean
D)Freshwater habitats have been significantly degraded by the activities of humans. Of the North American Great Lakes, Lake Superior has been the most severely affected
E)Although a very small fraction of the Earth’s fresh water is available as a habitat in lakes, streams, and rivers, approximately half of all fishes may be found in or near these habitats.

17Areas of upwelling and convergence of ocean currents are detrimental to nutrient renewal.

18Camels first evolved in North America. However, they were absent when members of our species first reached what is now the United States. The terms that are most related to this phenomenon are land bridges and dispersal.

19Dispersal may be distinguished from migration: dispersal is a one-way movement that is not repeated.

20Vicariance is often used as a synonym of allelopathy; both result in separation of one species into two by geographic barriers.

21Alfred Wegener first proposed the Theory of Continental Drift.

22The theory of continental drift explains observations by Darwin and many others: fossils found in South America and Africa are very similar, but fossils from South America and North America are dissimilar.

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