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Introduction to Electronic Communication

Chapter Overview

Communication is the process of exchanging information. People communicate to convey their thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others. The process of communication is inherent to all human life and includes verbal, nonverbal (body language), print, and electronic processes.

All electronic communication systems consist of three basic components: a transmitter, a communication channel (medium), and a receiver. Messages are converted to electrical signals and sent over electrical or fiber-optic cable or free space to a receiver. Attenuation (weakening) and noise can interfere with transmission.

Electronic communication is classified as (1) one-way (simplex) or two-way (full duplex or half duplex) transmissions and (2) analog or digital signals. Analog signals are smoothly varying, continuous signals. Digital signals are discrete, two-state (on/off) codes. Electronic signals are often changed from analog to digital and vice versa. Before transmission, electronic signals are known as baseband signals.

The four major electronic specialties are computers, communication, industrial control, and instrumentation. There are many job opportunities in the field of electronic communication.

Chapter Outline

1-1 The Signifcance of Human Communication
1-2 Communication Systems
1-3 Types of Electronic Communication
1-4 Modulation and Multiplexing
1-5 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
1-6 Bandwidth
1-7 A Survey of Communication Applications
1-8 Careers in the Communication Industry

Chapter Objectives

  • Explain the functions of the three main parts of an electronic communication system.
  • Describe the system used to classify different types of electronic communication and list examples of each type.
  • Discuss the role of modulation and multiplexing in facilitating signal transmission.
  • Define the electromagnetic spectrum and explain why the nature of electronic communication makes it necessary to regulate the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Explain the relationship between frequency range and bandwidth and give the frequency ranges for spectrum uses ranging from voice to ultra-high-frequency television.
  • List the major branches of the field of electronic communication and describe the qualifications necessary for different jobs.

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