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Chapter Overview
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This book was written primarily to educate those of you seeking to become specialists in communication electronics. If you are employed in communication electronics, your work will involve some form of testing and measurement. The work may be installation, operation, servicing, repair, and maintenance or testing to specifications or standards.

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the wide range of special testing equipment and measurement procedures used in communication electronics. The chapter concludes with a special section on troubleshooting techniques and EMI reduction.

Because of the wide range of communication equipment available and the many differences from manufacturer to manufacturer, it is difficult to be specific. Only general test and measurement procedures are given. Just keep in mind that when you are performing real tests and measurements, you must familiarize yourself with not only the test equipment used but also the specific transmitter, receiver, or other communication device being tested. Manuals for both the test instruments and the communication equipment should be available for reference.

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