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The FCC has mandated that all new TV sets must have a digital HDTV for over-the-air reception by 20

The entire TV signal occupies a channel in the spectrum with a bandwidth of MHz.

A TV is a very sophisticated electronic device that incorporates lenses and light-sensitive transducers to convert the scene or object to be viewed to an electric signal that can be used to modulate a carrier.

is a technique that divides a rectangular scene into individual lines.

The of the picture refers to the amount of detail that can be shown.

The of a video system determines the resolution.

The I and Q color signals are referred to as the signals.

A TV receiver is basically a(n) receiver.

To display a picture on a picture tube, special circuits are needed to generate the voltages and currents to operate the picture tube.

In a TV receiver, a horizontal oscillator drives a horizontal output stage that develops a(n) of current that drives magnetic deflection coils in the picture tube yoke that sweep the electron beams in the picture tube.

In a television receiver, the horizontal output transistor drives a step up-step down transformer called the .

A picture tube is a vacuum tube called a(n) tube.

Around the neck of the picture tube is a structure of magnetic coils called the yoke which influences the position of the electron beam.

A(n) screen is made up of many tiny cells filled with a special gas.

With cable TV systems, a junction box containing amplifiers that takes the signals and redistributes them to smaller cables is called a(n) .

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