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Chapter Objectives
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  • List the benefits of a superheterodyne over a TRF receiver and identify the function of each component of a superheterodyne, including all selectivity functions.
  • Express the relationship between the IF, local oscillator, and signal frequencies mathematically and calculate any one of them, given the other two.
  • Explain how the design of dual-conversion receivers allows them to enhance selectivity and eliminate image problems.
  • Describe the operation of the most common types of mixer circuits.
  • Explain the architecture and operation of direct conversion and software-defined radios.
  • List the major types of external and internal noise and explain how each interferes with signals both before and after they reach the receiver.
  • Calculate the noise factor, noise figure, and noise temperature of a receiver.
  • Describe the operation and purpose of the AGC circuit in a receiver.
  • Explain the operation of squelch circuits.

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