Kiefer Child Lit 9e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature, 9/e

Charlotte S Huck, The Ohio State University
Barbara Z Kiefer, Teacher's College, Columbia University
Susan Hepler, Children's Literature Specialist
Janet Hickman, The Ohio State University

ISBN: 007312298x
Copyright year: 2007

This classic text shows readers how children’s literature can capture the attention of K-8 students and foster a lifelong love of reading. It is the standard work in the field. The text covers learning about children’s literature, understanding children’s responses to literature, the history of children’s literature, beginning books, picture books and all of the genres (fantasy, poetry, realistic fiction, historical fiction, biography, and informational books), planning the literature program, and extending and evaluating children’s understandings of literature.

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