| Evaluation Criteria (See related pages)
Evaluating Juvenile Biography CHOICE OF SUBJECT - Does the subject's life offer interest and meaning for today's child?
- Will knowing this historical or contemporary figure help children understand the past or the present?
- Can the subject's experiences widen children's views on the possibilities for their own lives?
ACCURACY AND AUTHENTICITY- Do the text and illustrations reflect careful research and consistency in presentation?
- Does the author provide notes about original source material, a bibliography, or other evidence of documentation?
- Are there discrepancies of fact in comparison with other books?
- Are there significant omissions that result in a distorted picture of the subject's life?
STYLE- Are quotations or dialogue used in a way that brings the subject to life?
- For a fictionalized biography, does the choice of narrator's point of view add to the story?
- Is the author's style clear and readable, with background material included naturally?
CHARACTERIZATION- Is the subject presented as a believable, multidimensional character, with both strengths and weaknesses?
- Does the author avoid both eulogizing and debunking?
THEME- Does the author's interpretation of the subject represent a fair and balanced approach?
- Does the author avoid oversimplifying or manipulating the facts to fit the chosen theme?