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Essay Questions
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Analysis Essay Quiz


What elements of witchcraft does Anne Sexton introduce in "Her Kind"?

In what sense is the narrator of "All My Pretty Ones" a "stranger" to her father?

Evaluation Essay Quiz


What motifs in her poetry justify the classification of Anne Sexton's poetry as "confessional"?

In what sense is the narrator's response to the four nuns in "Letter Written on a Ferry While Crossing Long Island Sound" an ironic reaction? Why can't she find hope the nuns' implied "good news"?

Interpretation Essay Quiz


Explain the kinds of pain the "farmer's wife" experiences in her marriage relationship.

For what, acknowledges Sexton, do "men kill" in "The Truth the Dead Know"?

Explain the possible references found in the last stanza of "With Mercy for the Greedy." What is the significance of line 19, "Need is not quite belief"?

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