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Multiple Choice Quiz
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After his experiences in the forest, Young Goodman Brown returns to Salem
A)renewed in his faith
B)desperate and gloomy
C)vigilant against pride
D)alert to his own sin

In "My Kinsman, Major Molineau," the nephew Robin might best be described as
A)arrogant and self-assured
B)diligent and dutiful to authority
C)nonchalant and irresponsible
D)naive and gullible

Ethan Brand sets for himself the goal of discovering
A)the Ark of the Covenant
B)the secret of eternal youth
C)the unpardonable sin
D)treasures stored up in heaven

The Maypole of Merry Mount refers to an episode in
A)Puritan New England
B)London before the plague
C)Hawthorne's childhood in Salem
D)the American Revolution

The sin of arrogance might best suggest a theme in
A)"Rappaccini's Daughter"
B)"Young Goodman Brown"
C)"The Birthmark"
D)"The Maypole of Merry Mount"

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